Saturday morning I plan on smoking a turkey for my Sunday School class. We eat at 11:30. It takes about 3.5 to 4.5 hours for the cook. I put the bird on the smoker at 6am. We head to church around 10:30. I keep the bird wrapped in a cooler till I get there and then do the carving. I don't feel any pressure but my worry wort wife is always concerned I'll be late getting the turkey there due to needing more time for the cook. So far it hasn't been an issue. I read an article about smoking the turkey the day before. Cutting the bird up and placing the meat in a aluminum roasting pan. Then put it in the fridge till the next day. One hour before serving put the turkey in the oven for an hour. There is an oven at the church. Has anyone used this method? I'm concerned the meat will be dry. What's your opinion?