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  1. #1
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    Testimonies (Part 1)

    Posts: 352
    (1/22/04 10:16 am)
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    Post anything you wish to share about how you came to find God, returned to God, what God has done for you.

    God bless you all

    Edited by: CajunsMisty at: 1/22/04 10:19 am

    Sore Mouther
    Posts: 436
    (1/22/04 1:23 pm)
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    Re: Testimonies
    Well you may have seen my wife post about my stroke, This is how I became to know CHRIST. See it will be 3 years this April that I had an accident at work (no warning at all) when i fell at 10:30am and found myself waking up at 7:30pm in the trauma center. I was working that day all was good and that's when my life changed, they told me i fell an the concrete and hit my head and went into a seizure, then was life-flighted to the hospital where i was told that I had a slow growing glioma tumor on the left frontal lobe of my brain. I lost it. Was scheduled for surgery 3 weeks later (craniotomy) well i went to 4 different neurosurgeons and they all said that i would need to go through further testing to rule out other things. Well after an (eeg,ekg,sleep study,arteriogram,mri with contrast,echo,dopler,PET's,and blood work) is when they said i had a brain stroke. Never thought i would be happy to see a brainstroke but the outcome was a better prognosis.while undergoing the arteriogram. It took 2 years or better to come up with this answer. Right after the accident I turned my life over to GOD's hands and let him have it all. I have to say they next day was a different day and for the better. I still can't work or drive, but I am being watched over, he is always with me at all times. I truly know this. Well can't think of anything else to say at this time, but "thank you for getting this forum started", maybe we can help one another, or maybe the lurkers that are afraid to go to a church.That would be great.

    Praise the LORD, Don

    Mid-Atlantic Rally Moderator
    Posts: 1154
    (1/23/04 1:04 am)
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    Re: Testimonies
    Any doubt I had that the Lord was looking out for me, and had other plans for me vanished when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer a couple of years ago at the age of 48.

    I was having a problem that according to the doctors treating me was not a symptom of prostate cancer. My PCP referred me to a urologist because he was a bit stumped.

    My PSA tests were all normal. (<.6) but the urologist said he wanted to take a biopsy "just to rule out" cancer. No problem.

    He took the tests, sent me home with the assurance that "I'm almost sure it's not cancer". Guess what. He was wrong.

    I got a call the next week, and "Dr.K", (I will not insult him by butchering the spelling of his name.) told me that I had beaten the odds, and did have it.

    It didn't take long for me to elect to have surgery and remove the problem, so right after Christmas I went in, had the surgery and woke up in the hospital.

    The next day Dr. K came in and told me "Guess what. We sent your prostate over to the lab, and they can't find any cancer in it". Oh GREAT.... The "Oh Well. I guess this means I won't get it at least".

    Dr. K said he wanted to send the sample to a friend at Johns-Hopkins to let him have a look. About a week later he called me and said. "I heard from Johns-Hopkins. They did find a very small amount of cancer in your prostate that we sent to them, but the only place they found it was right in the tracks where the sample needle had gone."

    Now. When you think of how they do that test, and you realize there is no way that the doctor had anything to do with just exactly where that needle hit, you have to believe that there was a higher power guiding it, or you have to believe in "dumb luck".

    Posts: 365
    (1/23/04 10:35 am)
    Reply | Edit | Del Re: Testimonies
    The Lord does indeed move in mysterious ways. Don, I'm sure that God will show you what He wants you to, what direction He wants you to go in. I know how I felt when they told me I couldn't work anymore, but God has had me "working" in other ways. I may not earn any money but I do indeed receive benefits, and with Gods help I manage to touch other peoples lives in some way (I don't realize it at the time, but they've told me afterward). We all have our "jobs" to do. We just need to open ourselves up and hear the instructions.

    Registered User
    Posts: 3
    (1/23/04 6:29 pm)
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    First off I would like to say that this forum is one of the best ideas I have seen on BBC. As you all can see I do not posT much on here. However I come here 10 to 20 times a day. Guess you can say I might be a little shy. However talking about the good Lord and all his works is one thing I am not very shy about. This post may be a little long, and for that I am sorry. However I love to tell all that the good Lord has done for me and my family. I grew up in a christian home. My father was a preacher at the church we went to in Colorado. I was only 8yrs. old when I gave my life to Christ. Many would say that is too young to understand about that. I say not. The day I was saved I remember calling everyone I could just to tell them, "I gave my life to God". However I did not realize how much God was helping me until I was 10yrs. old. In March of '84 I was walking with my Mom into the bank. I had been having problems with my left leg. I told my mom that if the doctors would just take a picture of my knee, they would find what was wrong. So the next day my parents took me to the doctor, and there it was. I had a tumor in my leg. Two days later they removed it. It was not cancer. Thank the good Lord. Three months later I was having severe headaches. One day my older sister had taken me to a theme park. We got home and I got out of the car and passed out. I was rushed to the hospital and found out that I had a large "Pac-Man" in my head. This was the doctors exact words. LOL. Anyways come to find out that I had a brain tumor. And they had to remove it quick. They say I was within an hour of dieing. Kind of a lot for a 10yr old to handle. However I knew the good Lord would take care of me no matter what. Well in September of '84 my father took a job in Virginia. I fell as though that was one of the greatest things that had happened in my life. So here we are in Virginia now and I am 11 now and unable to play any sports and very limited to the things I was able to do. The doctors had to leave a small portion of the skull out, just in case they ever had to go in there again. I sit and think it must be nice to go outside and do the other things the other kids are doing. So one fine day I sat and asked the Lord, "What is it I can do God?" , "Why did you leave me here?". His answer came by way of my Dad. Dad says son lets go fishing. I had never been and only caught one fish that day. A James River Smallie. Thats all it took. Since then I have married and have one beautiful 3yr old girl. And the good Lord has showed me how I can work for him. Like many others on this board, my hopes are to become a Pro. God has showed me many ways to spread his word through my fishing. However no matter how far I make it, I know that it is God showing me the way. Once again I am sorry for this post being so long. However once I get started talking about God and his works in mine and my families lives I just can not stop.
    Thanks for allowing us to now have a place to talk with others about God.


    Mid-Atlantic Rally Moderator
    Posts: 1159
    (1/24/04 9:02 am)
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    Re: testimonies
    Welcome to the board Mark. There is never any need to apologize for a long post here You use the number of words it takes, to tell the story. It's we who are blessed to have the words of your testimony, praise the Lord you're here to give it.

    That of course goes for everyone. This is the Lord's board. If he calls you to tell your story, don't worry about how long it, or if your spelling is perfect or if you think you've rambled. The Lord will tell you what he wants you to say if you ask him.

  2. #2

    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    By the grace of God I have dealt with alcoholism. I have endured the affects of prison due to 3 DUI's, wrecked many vehicles, and nearly lost my children because of the affects alcohol had on me. The 19th of this month I celebrated my 8th yr sober and I owe it to the Lord above for each and every day I am able to face life and its trials without the presence of alcohol.Thank you Jesus one more time for another 24 hrs clean & sober, AMEN.

  3. Member
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    North Chesterfield, Virginia

    Re: Testimonies (rayz379)

    PRAISE THE LORD! for that Ray. That's great news.

  4. #4

    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    Well, I'm new to this board and have enjoyed reading the many topics here. I enjoy bass fishing and that is what brought me to the BBC board in the beginning. Since discovering Increasin' Our Faith, I read it almost daily and today I feel I need to write a word or two.
    I have been a Christian for over 30 years but haven't always lived like a Christian. I know that I probably speak for a lot of men when I say this. But I decided at some point in my life to make a change for the better and try to do a better job not focusing on what is best for ME. I decided to focus on the important things, the people who really matter the most and quality time with them.
    In August 2004, I had a mild stroke while on the job and went through a bunch of tests the Dr. ordered and had some administered by a neurologist. My only symptom that anything had occured was my vision went bad....double....blurry. By the grace of the good Lord, after 3 weeks my vision returned slowly and I went back to work after one full month. Anyone who has experienced something dramatic like this knows about the thoughts that went through my mind. I decided that the Lord must have a plan for my life and it reinforced my decision not to be self indulged and to focus on the simple things in life because tomorrow is not guaranteed. Also, I try to keep a positive outlook on life with all it's negative influence and media coverage. When we pause and take a moment to look around us, it is a wonderful life with some wonderful people!

    Modified by bass4fun at 10:26 AM 4/1/2005

  5. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (bass4fun)

    Welcome to the board James, and thanks for your testimony. I suspect that most of us have a similar story. I know mine is. It's amazing how God puts just the right person in our lives, at just the time we need them most. Praise the Lord that he is a God of second, and third, and so on chances.

  6. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    First off, let me say that I'm not much of a speaker and haven't shared much with anyone in person. I have trouble telling people how I feel. Maybe this will help me make another step in the right direction and come out of "my shell" and be able to be more vocal about what the Lord has done for me.

    I grew up in a Christian home. My dad is a preacher and you know what they say about PK's. I am now 33 yrs old, married and have a 5 yr. old daughter. I was saved when I was 8, baptized by my dad and everything was great until my teenage years. I guess that's when the rebelion kicked in. I hear people say how tough it is to be a preacher's kid and I'm not going to argue. Everyone is constantly watching you and when you slip, it gets thrown up in his face. But being a PK is no excuse for the choices I've made. I made my own decisions.

    I won't bore you with all the details, but I got into the drinking and other things during high school and let it carry over into my college years. I had a full paid scholarship and dropped out after 2 yrs. What was I doing?

    I got married at 20 and wasn't a very good role model husband for the first 12 yrs. The reason I say that is because first and foremost, I DIDN'T TAKE MY FAMILY TO CHURCH. Instead, I was drinking and I had grown a rather extensive vocabulary of words that I wish now that I had never heard before. There was nothing in my life visible to the world to show that I had been saved.

    Last year, my wife started taking my daughter to church. And I'm ashamed of that, only because as the head of the family, I should have been taking them all along. It took my daughter (4 at that time) comming home from church on Sunday and telling me she learned about God for me to get off my lazy butt and start going to church. So, I go to church with them one Sunday and have been going ever since. It's been about a year now since we joined the church and in October of 2004, my daughter got saved. What a blessing being able to witness your own child being baptized and seeing the difference that God has made in their life. One day she was staring up at the sky and I asked her what she was doing, she said "I'm talking to God". It made me want to cry.

    I have now been married for 13 yrs. to a wonderful wife who knows the Lord and has been supportive in everything I've done. I have a 5 yr. old daughter who knows the Lord, and talks to him daily. I have a roof over my head, a job, a healthy family, an ongoing growing relationship with my Savior and a wonderful church family..............and I don't deserve any of it. God has been so good to us.

    Sorry for being a little long winded but I hope that someone reading this gets half the enjoyment I got out of being able to write it.

    1993 Stratos 285 Pro XL Red/Silver
    1993 Evinrude 150 Intruder

  7. #7

    Re: Testimonies (Stratos 285)

    Chris, wonderful testimony! I believe that I was a lot like you when I was a teenager and a young adult getting married at age 20. You are a GOOD MAN because you recognized the need to make a positive change in your life and did it. It will have lasting effects on your wife and daughter in addition to yourself. GOD BLESS you Chris!

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    Re: Testimonies (bass4fun)

    And all God's people said...


  9. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    As some of you know, I am a Marine currently stationed over-sea's. My testimony is not earth shattering but never the less it is true. I was not brought up in a Christian home so I never really knew God until I was an adult and when I became an adult I chose to ignore him. Anytime someone would address me about God I would turn them off. Last year, in October, I was talking with a fellow Marine (close friend now) and I truly felt the spirit of the Lord working on me. Setting their that evening I just knew that God was in that office with us. I turned my life over that day to our Savior Jesus Christ and have not looked back.

    I do the best I can to grow in him every day and it brings me extreme joy to report that since then my wife and 3 of my 4 children have been saved, one of them today! All the Glory goes to God, he has truly turned my life around for the better!

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    Re: Testimonies (stranz3529)

    And all the angels in heaven rejoiced on that glorious day.

    To God be the glory.

  11. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)


  12. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (stranz3529)

    An update...All of my Children have now been saved and Baptized..Glory be to God!!!

  13. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (stranz3529)

    That is great news!

    Praise the Lord!

  14. Member
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    West carrollton

    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    I haven't been a member long . Got on this web sight because I love boats and fishing but above those I LOVE the Lord !! What a great place to met a bunch of really nice people. This forum is the best. The testimonies were touching to me, to hear what GOD is doing in other lives is great. I also accepted CHRIST at a young age then strayed when I got older. I have now given all of my life back over to CHRIST and things couldn't be better. I could never repay what he has done for me. I just live my life like he wants me to, and tell others about the grace of GOD every chance I get. My wife is also a christian and we try to raise our three daughters up in church and teach them about CHRIST like my christian parents did me. I have truly been blessed. Thank you LORD for all you have done for me.

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    Re: Testimonies (ASTROCRAZY)

    AMEN Astro!!!

  16. Member bassraider10's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    I just got out of hospital due to the grace of Our Lord and savior.

    Saying thank you Lord in writing, already said it to you in private.

    This a Awesome section to any web site glad to see it I am a new member.


  17. Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Lake Butler, FL

    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    early yrs in the church of god .late 50's early 60's
    chaplin of a baptist after school club -youth for christ-1964-67
    parents divorced in 69' and i blamed god.found the hippie movement,drugs,sex, and rock and roll music at 16,and also the humanist manifesto 1.
    led a self indulged lifestyle for 30,me, me. this is my world and my world centers around me. if im happy its because of me,if i sad ,its because of me,you can only come into my world if i allow you to. that way i couldnt be hurt again.
    16 yrs in a rocky wild marriage. bevorced in 87'.found my solemate in 91'.had my first and onlt child at 43 in 1995.
    in 85' started my own business which after 22 yrs. i still run and own today.bought 55 acres for $ 44,000.00 and paid for it in full w/ cutting the pines off it in 93'
    was a carpenter untill i started my video store and was able to build my own home on this 55ac. in 2000.
    so, i owned my own successful business.i was debt free w/ expendable income.i owned my own home that i built on 44 ac. of debt free land.
    i married my solemate and love of my life and had a beautifull daughterin 95'
    what more could a man ask for .all the while i was a rank sinner.i woke up one morning and looked around at all that i had and was taking medication for DEPRESSION.what, what is this .what do i not have in my life to make me happy or at least content.GODS spirit spoke to me that morning.remember me,im whats missing from your life.ive let you have it your way for 30+ yrs. you and your self serving selfish ways.your an abomination to me .i want you to serve me,NOW, the same way you have served your self for all these yrs.
    i told my wife i was going to church and i was going to the little holiness church i grew up in.she wouldnt go ,only because she didnt want to go to a holy roller church. those people are phoenatics.
    i really didnt know what i was doing but i knew i had to go.sure enough the preacher, preached right to my sin, the conviction was so strong on me i wept sorely and wanted to go to the alter but was afraid.only afraid that i was going to have to give up the lifestyle i was comfortable in.i went home a sinner, but i told my wife im going back tonite.ive got to go to find out what this is about.that nite same thing the convicting and drawing power of gods holy spirit was to much for me to bear .i couldnt wait for alter call. i ran to the alter and begged god to forgive me of my sins and ways .and asked him to make me a new creature in christ.the weight of the sin i was carrying immediately lifted off my back and shoulders.the sin load was gone and so was all the guilt and all the worldliness,the drugs and alchol, and pornography, and pride and greed and self serving ways..... it was all gone never more to be remembered by god.
    what a glorious feeling, my life was now complete.i could lay my head down on my pillow at night and rest in PEACE.the JOY came back into my life.the anger left.i dont have room to explain what that moment did for me.
    that following wed. night my wife went to church w/ me and gave her life to god.we not only gave our life to god but committed to serving a wonderful savior and also accepted jesus as lord of our daughter also embraced this holiness lifestyle and was saved and filled w/ the holy ghost at 10.joshua 20-5(i think)" but for me and my household we are going to serve the lord.")
    since that day ive never taken another pill for depression, smoked another joint, drank another beer, watched another xxx rated movie.all for my lord jesus christ.
    i thank him, i love him and i serve him and him alone.
    it wasnt long after giving my life to jesus that i started teaching and preaching holiness and useing this testimony to reach the lost and i only share this today that someone who is lost w/o god or his son, or who is not living up to the standards that god requires may read this and committ or recommitt their lives to a caring loving, merciful,forgiving,BUT,righteous,holy, soveriegn god.
    Mike Clemons-Lake Butler, Fla..
    97 Gambler Intimidater / 200 EFI Merc

  18. Member
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    West carrollton

    Re: Testimonies (gatrboy52)

    A men Mike. I look forward to wakeing up everyday and praiseing GOD all day long !!

  19. Member
    Join Date
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    Flowery Branch

    Re: Testimonies (gatrboy52)

    Great testimony! Noticed your were from Lake Butler...I use to work over in Starke! Bunch of great places to fish and go to church in you neck of the woods.
    okay, okay... last cast, after this one.

  20. Member
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    Jul 2007

    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    I was reading over the posts here and felt led to post this. It's long and a two part story.

    I have never known what it was like not to be in church. My mom took my sister and myself every time the doors were open. My dad, however, wouldn't go. I never new why but that was the way it was my entire childhood.
    During the spring revival of 1982 this 10 year old boy found Jesus in a little country Baptist Church in Belk, Alabama. The joy I felt was indescribable. That night after church (it was a Tuesday night) we were eating supper and my mom told my dad what happened. He looked at me with a frown and began to tell me that I was too young to be saved and didn't understand what it was about. Without taking my eyes from my plate I said " Daddy I love you very much. You can keep me from going to church but you can't keep me from being saved." Nothing more was said.

    The next night at church as the last song was ending I heard the outside door open. Yep you guessed it it was my dad and he didn't stop to sit with us he went straight to the alter and for about 20 minutes poured his heart out to God.

    You see he was saved but had let bitterness enter his life over something that had happened at church before I was born. He apologized in front of the entire church and rededicated his life to Jesus. At that time the person with whom he had been bitter with also came to the alter and rededicated their life. That was the beginning of a revival that saw 9 more souls saved and countless rededications.

    I claim no credit in this but give God all the glory for using a 10 year old boy to see his will be done.

    <U>The sum of the intelligence on the planet is constant, but the population is growing.</U>

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