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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Vienna, VA

    Venice Guides -- Short days?

    In 2014 a friend and I traveled to Venice to fish for redfish with a well-known lodge. We did really well on the big bulls, but we were disappointed that the guide came in promptly at 2:30 every afternoon. We’re used to fishing all day and we could have stayed at home if we wanted to spend nearly an entire afternoon on the couch watching football.

    I wanted my wife to catch her first redfish, so this year we shopped for another outfitter. There was one that was highly recommended by multiple friends and we were told that they fished “all day.” We booked two days with them.

    On Saturday, our guide got us out around 6:30. The wind was blowing 30mph, the marsh was drained, and the action was slow. That’s fishing – nothing he can do about that. What surprised me, though, was that around noon he started to comment on boats coming in. At 1:09, he said “Let’s go to the house.” I asked, “Really?” and he did not reply, just motored to the ramp. We were back at the camp by 1:30, which left 5 hours to kill until dinner.

    The next day that guide had duck hunting clients, so they switched us to a different guide. As we sat waiting for him to arrive, we talked to the head guide about our disappointment from Saturday. “Well,” he said. “From 6:30 to 1:30, that’s 7 hours, a pretty standard day.” I guess if that’s what’s expected, and it’s the norm down there, maybe we shouldn’t have been shocked?

    Our Day Two guide worked much harder (despite winds that were still strong) and kept us out until 3. Still a short day by my standards, but much better.

    Am I wrong to be disappointed? Have I been spoiled by guides elsewhere who will fish daylight to dark if you want?

    I’m disinclined to go back to Venice, spending all that time and a not-insubstantial amount of money. Even if the fishing is great, I want to stay out while they’re biting. Does anyone know a guide down there who stays out longer or am I asking for something that doesn't exist?

  2. Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I would ask how are you booking the guides, most include rates based on hours. As a part time guide I make it very clear up front what times we will be on the water and only extend if the bite is tougher or if its really good and the customer wants to pay more to play more. If you want to go out from sun up to sun down that should be asked ahead of time.
    Last edited by Amechelke; 11-20-2018 at 04:02 PM.
    2016 PHOENIX 920 PROXP
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  3. Banned
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Orange Beach, AL
    I think that's par for the course in venice. Every time I've went, the guide was ready to head in shortly after lunch. Left em biting several times.

  4. Member Mechanic Bob's Avatar
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    Wilmington, NC
    We have found at lodge, the brother of the owner was a guide. The guide thought he was bullet proof, until we called him out in front of his brother. Needless to say, the owner made it right for us. We have returned to the lodge a couple of times since and made it very clear we will not have the brother as a guide.
    One other thing is, we will not let the guide fish until we have caught our limit. If fishing is slow, why would you want the guide you hired to catch "your" fish?
    2019 RT 198P
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  5. Member
    Join Date
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    Hopkinsville, Ky
    Take your own boat down there and follow the guides out in the morning and fish all day. Save$$$$$ and fish how you want!!

  6. Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I don’t know any guides that run inshore trips daylight to dark. I’d be very upfront that’s what you would like so they can accommodate.

  7. Member
    Join Date
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    Lake Fork Texas
    To be clear, I have not guided on saltwater but did on freshwater for 25 years. I have heard these comments many times. People that hire guides are doing it for various reasons. Some to learn the water, some to have fun and some to just get away. They, most of them work 8-10 hour days all year long. A guide also has a job. What makes people think that their job should be any different than theirs's. Eight hours on the water can range from great to brutal. Dealing with people can be. great tp brutal. It goes with the job. I loved my job because it let me do what I loved, but it was still a job. People that work 9-5 usually get paid overtime when they work extra hours. A guide does not. If he/she puts in extra hours it takes away time to prepare for the next day.
    So the next time you hire a guide, ask about the hours, and if you want extra hours tell them that you will pay overtime as you would expect in your job.
    If that doesn't satisfy you take your own boat. When you hire a guide you pay for knowledge, equipment and a relaxing time on the water away from your 9-5 job.

  8. Banned
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Hendersonville NC
    Its ALWAYS a race in venice to see which guide gets back to the dock first with a limit. Once the limits are caught , the fishing is over , evidently.