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  1. #1
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    Too many tournaments

    I know this won't be a popular opinion but there are entirely too many tournaments. I tried to fish yesterday afternoon at Old Hickory. Got to Flippers around 2pm and a tournament was just ending and everyone was unloading and weighing in. Went to Laguardo and it was packed with no empty parking spots. Went to Davis Corner and another tournament had the placed packed. From there I tried Lock 4 and they were full all the way to the entrance from Lock 4 road.

    It's insane and I'm going to start calling TWRA and petition to get them restricted. It seems every weekend and 2-3 nights a week there are tournaments going on somewhere. It wouldn't be so bad if everyone didn't take up all the parking spots and lot to do the weigh in.

  2. Scraps
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    I agree. Even on my private club lakes, too many.
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  3. Forensicator Javelin389's Avatar
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    I'm right there with ya. Way too many tourney's going on, and on a so-so lake. I love Old Hick, but it isn't the best fishery.
    '05 Stratos 200 ProXL, '05 Evinrude 225HO

  4. Member
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    This is one of the reasons why I mainly winter fish. But, its that time of the year that the pleasure boaters are out hot and heavy as well. It's about time to night bite picks up. I despise dealing with wake/ski boats.
    '99 Cobra 201D
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  5. Member
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    With all the tournaments going on at all the local lakes and within a couple hours of Nashville, the other inconsiderate boaters and fisherman, all the new boaters since Covid crap is enough to have me thinking of selling mine and being done with fishing for a while. I do enjoy it and try to spend time on the water but don’t enjoy all the BS that has came about nowadays. Weekends are almost a waste in trying to go and I can’t take off a day during the week every week or 2 which is the best time to go. It has really made me consider getting back into some of my other hobbies I used to do.

  6. Member
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    I agree, way too many tournaments. I would support regulation for sure. Think Guntersville, way too many.
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  7. Member
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    I’m in this camp as well. We don’t have many lakes in my region and our lakes can’t support the population of people the region has to begin with.

  8. Member
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    with that being said, I normally only fish the chick in jan or feb and especially if it's snowing or raining. It's the only way to beat the crowds.

  9. Member
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    Wait til they build that biggest marina on the lake in station camp. Going be a mess

  10. Moderator
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    I tried calling TWRA yesterday but no answer and no call back yet. Not sure how to approach it but going to start asking questions about how they are regulating or controlling them. Will report back with what they say.

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    Talked to an officer in fisheries this morning named Pat. Very nice and understood my complaints. Said they have looked into permits or something in the past but funding was an issue and they were worried that if they required permits then the tournaments would expect more from them. No one knows how to fix the issue but they agree it is a growing concern. They have a meeting a couple times a year where they voice and discuss concerns from the public. He said he took down my info and comments and would bring them up at the next meeting. Please call and get on the record as well if you want to see changes. Only way it’s going to get better.

  12. Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pantherdad View Post
    Wait til they build that biggest marina on the lake in station camp. Going be a mess

    Supposedly there is going to be another new marina built at the Davis corner ramp location that is going to take up the whole point on the left going to the ramp. That’s gonna be another shit show when it happens.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadrashPaul View Post
    Talked to an officer in fisheries this morning named Pat. Very nice and understood my complaints. Said they have looked into permits or something in the past but funding was an issue and they were worried that if they required permits then the tournaments would expect more from them. No one knows how to fix the issue but they agree it is a growing concern. They have a meeting a couple times a year where they voice and discuss concerns from the public. He said he took down my info and comments and would bring them up at the next meeting. Please call and get on the record as well if you want to see changes. Only way it’s going to get better.
    I think Pat gave you your answer. What can they do to make it better? Did you offer any solution? Gov't beaurocracy (permits) doesn't seem like a solution to anything.

    I do fish a few tournaments and also agree there are probably too many. The high school (and even middle school) promotion of such is another unneeded problem that really makes no sense to me.

    But really, what would help (and dont say making them illegal b/c that would be like the prohibition days)?

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    ^^^^ exactly. Wanting them banned is not a smart thing to even propose.. honestly silly. But... say they were banned... that doesn't stop the people from being at the lake at all. It would be the same amount of boat traffic with or without tournaments. So that is not the answer. It's probably the new norm to be honest. Just find hours of the day that is not busy.. join the crowd.. or take up knitting lol.
    '99 Cobra 201D
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  15. Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryno 615 View Post
    ^^^^ exactly. Wanting them banned is not a smart thing to even propose.. honestly silly. But... say they were banned... that doesn't stop the people from being at the lake at all. It would be the same amount of boat traffic with or without tournaments. So that is not the answer. It's probably the new norm to be honest. Just find hours of the day that is not busy.. join the crowd.. or take up knitting lol.
    Exactly, those fisherman will be out there tournament or not.

  16. Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by BackLash1 View Post
    I think Pat gave you your answer. What can they do to make it better? Did you offer any solution? Gov't beaurocracy (permits) doesn't seem like a solution to anything.

    I do fish a few tournaments and also agree there are probably too many. The high school (and even middle school) promotion of such is another unneeded problem that really makes no sense to me.

    But really, what would help (and dont say making them illegal b/c that would be like the prohibition days)?
    I'm not saying I had an answer for the situation but if nothing is said to address the problem it will never get better. I did offer an idea. It's not perfect but in my opinion it's a start. I think they should set a certain number of tournaments to be had in an area for the year. Clubs/directors would have to sign up for a date and register the tournament. Once the number has been reached that's it. You can make some kind of page on the website where people can go and see if there is a tournament at a certain ramp and know to avoid on that date. They could have it for a certain area of the river so not so many stack up on each other in the same areas. In my example this weekend, 50% of the ramps were full from tournaments almost restricting anyone else to be able to use the facilities. Again it's not perfect but it's a start. I agree with you on the HS/MS fishing. It's completely out of hand with the amount of travel and school those kids miss to fish. I don't want to make them illegal. The people fishing them have as much right as I do to be there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryno 615 View Post
    ^^^^ exactly. Wanting them banned is not a smart thing to even propose.. honestly silly. But... say they were banned... that doesn't stop the people from being at the lake at all. It would be the same amount of boat traffic with or without tournaments. So that is not the answer. It's probably the new norm to be honest. Just find hours of the day that is not busy.. join the crowd.. or take up knitting lol.
    Exactly where did I say I wanted them banned? I didn't anywhere in this post. I only want the amount of them restricted.

    My other issue I guess with the whole situation is the weigh in. The guys load their boats and then go park back in the lot. Dozens of boats taking up spots just sitting on the trailer. Then there is usually a crowd somewhere under a tent or whatever also taking up space. Boaters and other fisherman cannot use the ramp and have a place to park. Normal fisherman would leave when they load up and leave the spot for another person. Again, I don't know what the answer to this is but just thinking out loud as to the problems with the entire scene.

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    I don't mind your idea at all of a central registration site so you know what's where and when. That would be helpful for the tournament fishermen and those that are not. And maybe some limits on a given day/time isn't bad. But I think the TWRA would be hesitant to manage such arrangements.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadrashPaul View Post
    I'm not saying I had an answer for the situation but if nothing is said to address the problem it will never get better. I did offer an idea. It's not perfect but in my opinion it's a start. I think they should set a certain number of tournaments to be had in an area for the year. Clubs/directors would have to sign up for a date and register the tournament. Once the number has been reached that's it. You can make some kind of page on the website where people can go and see if there is a tournament at a certain ramp and know to avoid on that date. They could have it for a certain area of the river so not so many stack up on each other in the same areas. In my example this weekend, 50% of the ramps were full from tournaments almost restricting anyone else to be able to use the facilities. Again it's not perfect but it's a start. I agree with you on the HS/MS fishing. It's completely out of hand with the amount of travel and school those kids miss to fish. I don't want to make them illegal. The people fishing them have as much right as I do to be there.

    Exactly where did I say I wanted them banned? I didn't anywhere in this post. I only want the amount of them restricted.

    My other issue I guess with the whole situation is the weigh in. The guys load their boats and then go park back in the lot. Dozens of boats taking up spots just sitting on the trailer. Then there is usually a crowd somewhere under a tent or whatever also taking up space. Boaters and other fisherman cannot use the ramp and have a place to park. Normal fisherman would leave when they load up and leave the spot for another person. Again, I don't know what the answer to this is but just thinking out loud as to the problems with the entire scene.
    Limiting tournaments is the same as banning. Would the tournaments with the most amount of anglers get the boot, or the least get the boot? There's just not a right answer. Let's say you limit the tournaments to one per Saturday. Guess what... it will still be a packed parking lot. By the way, I get what you are saying completely. I don't have the right answer either.. but I just know the problem is not going to be fixed by talking to the TWRA. People enjoy the outdoors, it's just that too many are enjoying it haha.
    '99 Cobra 201D
    Merc 250 Pro Xs 4 stroke

  19. Moderator
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    Sorry but I disagree. Limiting/restricting the amount of something is not the same as banning in my opinion. You are simply controlling the amount in a way that makes it more accessible to people who are not fishing the tournaments. Signing up for the tournaments would be on a first come first serve basis. Nothing to do with amount of anglers. I don't think the TWRA can necessarily fix the issue either but it has to start somewhere. Do you have a suggestion who I can contact next? I remember a few years ago Lamar Alexander (I think) got involved when there was talk of banning fishing below damns so some of our (at least previous) State Reps pay attention to outdoor issues. Maybe I should contact MeatEater or an outlet like that and get some other people talking about it.

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    While I rarely fish a Tx, I think when it is some of the best weather in awhile, best time of the year to fish and the rec boaters are not yet out in full force, and you show up at the
    ramp at 2pm and its full, and then blame others is really not the right approach. My lake here in Virginia gets pounded. If you want to fish without a lot of Tx's, fish during the week. I
    save alot of my vacation time to do this and not fight the hordes.
    2017 Triton TRX Patriot w/250 ProXS Optimax

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