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  1. #1
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    Lets tell Garmin what we want to see in future software updates

    Hey guys, Im a new Garmin sonar owner coming over from the HB side of things. So far, Im pretty impressed....BUT....some things could use a little tweaking and some things could be much better and there are gaping holes in a few spots that really tick me off.

    It looks like there are at least a few Garmin reps that monitor this forum, so how about if we all let them know what WE - the end customers - want to see in the software that would make us even happier customers than we are now? I think we should talk about all the software - phones, PC and on the units themselves. These days, integration with multiple devices is the key to the future and getting the maximum use and value and enjoyment from your money spent.

    I will try to summarize everyone's suggestions in the second post as time goes by and sense this is my thread, I get to go first!

    By the way, I think one key thing to getting Garmin to listen to us will be in the numbers. So please please respond to this thread - even if its just to say you agree with someones idea. If Im the only one asking for something, Garmin is less likely to be motivated to work on it.

    A direct link to the Garmin suggestion line:
    Last edited by Larry3215; 02-08-2016 at 04:18 PM.

  2. Member
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    Ok, this post will be for a summary of ideas.


    00) Fix it so it works with Windows 10
    0) Be able to turn off the chart window (when viewing sonar recordings)
    1) Be able to tile multiple sonar views at the same time - in any combination with or without chart view
    2) Be able to go full screen with any single view or combination of views
    3) Be able to see boat speed, water temp and exact depth under the boat at any given time
    4) While looking at sonar views - Be able to mark way points on or off to the side of the track and save them to put back on the machine - like if you see something interesting on the side view and want to mark it for a closer look when you get back on the water. When using Hummviewer, that was a biggie for me. I often noticed things/structure/fish when I got home that I had missed when out on the water.
    5) Be able to zoom in - especially on side views
    6) Easy screen shots of any view built in
    7) Video capture of any view or combo.
    8) Be able to play with "settings" like contrast, brightness, gain, stretch, screen scroll speed, etc to see how that effects the view. These need to be realistic so that you know how to change setting when back on the water to improve viewing.
    9) This is a big one - be able to adjust the depth scaling - or have it scale automatically - during the play back. As it is now, the playback is stuck on the max depth you had in the recording. In my case, I started out in very shallow water under 20 feet, then went out to 260 feet. The depth scale was stuck at 260 feet the whole time on playback. That means you cant see any details of the shallow water portions of the track. They are scrunched into the top tiny portion of the screen. The same issue effects side and downview.
    10) Needs to be able to play back Panoptix recordings.
    11) Be able to see Quickdraw maps and work with waypoints/POI's on the computer.

    Garmin Helm for Android

    1)Please fix the Record button!!!

    Garmin Helm - general

    Can we get a "split screen" option for Garmin Helm? The idea would be to display something different on the tablet from what is shown on the MFD. For example, have the chart on the tablet while looking at sonar on the MFD or sideview on the tablet while while looking at 2D or some combo screen on the MFD.

    It would be very useful to be able to decide which screen view or combo view to send to the tablet and have that independent of the MFD screen.

    Maybe you could pul up a combo or single view, make any adjustments you wanted to that view, and then send it to the tablet and have it looked in while you have other views on the MFD. You would then need to be able to "unlock" it later to make changes.Can we please get this?

    BlueChart Mobile:

    1)Make an Android version. (as of Feb 2016 they are working on an Android version)

    MFD software:

    1)Make screen shots much much much easier and faster. It takes way too long to take a screen shot and then you have to confirm it before you can take another one. Id like an instant screen shot button with no confirmation - or at least an option for one at the bottom of the screen.

    2) Same thing with sonar recordings. I want to be able to hit record and have it start or stop ASAP without having to dive down thru a bunch of menus.

    3) Do not display temps to the hundredths digit. Tenths is close enough.

    4) Add/fix Garmin supports GPX 1.1 format with tracks containing track-segments. See post #11

    5) Add an option to set a max file size for sonar recordings so that when that size is reached, the recording gets auto-saved and an option to either start a new one automatically or just stop recording with a notice on the screen.

    6) Needs to be able to record Panoptix sonar so it can be played back in HomePort.

    7) Compatability with Reefmaster and other 3.-party mapping and GIS.

    8) Broadband or CHIRP radar.

    9) Waypoints comments field needs to be much larger to be usefull.

    10) Need to import labels, icons, names and comments from Homeport.

    11) Need to be able to disable each individual sonar transducer from a quick push on the power button. Not just all ON or all OFF.

    12) Add an option to the PS31 RealVu 3D forward display that would allow us to TURN OFF the BOAT model.

    13) Make it possible to read PDF files on the plotter. That way you could copy your fishing regs or other special rules or any information you want to refer to when on the water. I really like this idea. Having a PDF you could search and view on the water would be great. I sometimes fish areas where state and tribal rules apply. You could also load copies of special fishing maps or anything else you wanted.

    Turns out this one has been available the whole time. Thanks to Todd for pointing it out. Just creat a folder called "Manuals" inside your Garmin folder on the SD card. Then copy any PDF's you want into that folder and they will show up on the MFD under INFO when youi look at the built in user manual.

    14 Fix the Stop Panning button. When you have a combo screen with a chart view and you expand the chart view to full screen, if you hit 'Stop Panning' it puts you back in the combo view rather than just stopping the panning. It works like a Return or Back button instead of a Stop Panning button. That is a royal pain when you want to use the chart for something. It should just stop panning - not jump you back to the combo screen.

    Many more excellent suggestions from a thread on THT:
    Last edited by Larry3215; 11-22-2016 at 02:48 PM.

  3. Member
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    Washington State
    Ok guys - post away!!

  4. #4
    I do NOT want to see the water temperature displayed to the hundredth digit. That is insane and I can't believe it made the final cut.

  5. #5
    Your #6 already exists. Screenshots couldn't be easier.

    A record button would be amazing.

  6. Member
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    Hope Garmin supports GPX 1.1 format with tracks containing track-segments.

  7. Member
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    I think I may have proof that Garmin actually does listen to us. Ive been complaining that Garmin only has BlueChart Mobil in an Iphone version. I was initially told by Garmin support that they had no plans to release an Android version. However, I just got an email from a more senior support person who says they are indeed working on an Android version!

    Thank you for choosing Garmin international. I’m sorry to say as of right now Blue Chart Mobile is only available on iOS. I promise we have not forgotten about our customers using Android. I can ensure that we are currently working on an app that will work with Android. Unfortunately I do not have a release date at this time.

  8. Member
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    Are you talking about HomePort or on the MFD or on a phone? I havent seen any way to take a screen shot or record in Homeport unless I use a 3rd party program. Its the same way on the Android version of Helm. Help me understand what you are talkig about and I will add it to the list.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bass newb View Post
    Your #6 already exists. Screenshots couldn't be easier.

    A record button would be amazing.

  9. Member
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    I'll add that. Less clutter would be nice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bass newb View Post
    I do NOT want to see the water temperature displayed to the hundredth digit. That is insane and I can't believe it made the final cut.

  10. Member
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    I dont work much with tracks, so help me out here. Wold this be in HomePort or the MFD or both maybe? Is it an import issue or conversion issue or? I want to understand it better so I can add it to the list in a way thats easy for the Garmin engineers - and us normal folks - to understand.
    Quote Originally Posted by LittleGazoo View Post
    Hope Garmin supports GPX 1.1 format with tracks containing track-segments.

  11. Member
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    Both Garmin Homeport and Garmin 7600 units do not support tracks w/track-segments. Example:

    Here's 1 track named GARMIN w/2 track-segments cut from a GPX file:
    <trkpt lat="32.6218172936772" lon="-95.2506697857023">
    <trkpt lat="32.6235707105934" lon="-95.2486578905606">

    <trkpt lat="32.6208328777936" lon="-95.2496097225292">
    <trkpt lat="32.6227261512411" lon="-95.2477638610502">

    The correct display is the following:

    Homeport and Garmin units connect the two individual tracks thus:

    This is a software bug with Garmin with the industry-standard GPX. Being a GPS company, I must say I was surprised.
    Last edited by LittleGazoo; 02-08-2016 at 01:40 PM.

  12. Member
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    That sure looks like a bug to me. I'll add it to the list.

  13. Member bassinman215's Avatar
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    How about Windows 10 functionality for Homeport?
    Wishing I was Fishing

  14. Banned
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    They have a link for suggestions

    Your suggestions may have been covered

  15. Member
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    Yes!! How did I forget that one?? Added to the top of the list!! :)

    By the way, they say they are working on the problem...

    Quote Originally Posted by bassinman215 View Post
    How about Windows 10 functionality for Homeport?

  16. Member
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    Lots of very good ideas in that thread Troy!

    It looks like we have several new ones here so far as well as some new ones for Homeport and the mobile apps.

    I'll add that link to the first post.



    Quote Originally Posted by TroyBoy30 View Post
    They have a link for suggestions

    Your suggestions may have been covered

  17. Member
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    I do not like how doing screenshots is handled. For me there are two issues here. First is how long you have to press the HOME key. Second is the wait time for the acknowledgment to disappear or if in a hurry having to confirm that you saw the acknowledgment. The screenshots for the 7610 are huge bmp files. Wonderful for somebody. But if you want to post one of them on this board, you'll need to first convert it to jpg or use a utility program to reduce the size of the file. Let's see now. This is free advertising by the users and for some reason it is important to make it difficult and cumbersome for them. Seems like there should be a different line of thought going on.

  18. Member
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    I agree. Screen shots and start/stop sonar recording need to be 'one touch' fast options. And yes, BMP files are cumbersome.

    I just remembered another thing that might be nice - being able to set a file size limit for the recordings. You could easily get multi-gig files if you forget to turn recording off. I remember seeing people complain that large recordings would not load or play on some machines. I havent had that problem yet - I only have a single very short 80 meg recording and it plays fine on my Vista machine. I had some 900 meg files before I stupidly deleted them. I didnt get a chance to test them on the Vista machine.

    Id like to have an option to set a max file size so that when that size is reached the recording gets auto-saved and an option to either start a new one automatically or just stop recording with a notice on the screen.

  19. Banned
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    set up a free photobucket account for your screen shots. you wont have to worry about re-sizing them or uploading them

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by TroyBoy30 View Post
    set up a free photobucket account for your screen shots. you wont have to worry about re-sizing them or uploading them
    Yeah do this. Certainly don't suggest that garmin take away resolution because posting on this forum is cumbersome for you

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