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  1. Member
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    North Chesterfield, Virginia

    Re: Testimonies (tiny)

    Thank you for that story Tiny. What an inspiration that is.

  2. Member
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    West carrollton

    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    What a great story. God knew what he was doing all the time. AMEN. I thank GOD he left the 99 sheep and came looking for the one who had went astray. Called out my name and I heard him and came running back. THANK YOU LORD!!!


    God is good
    all the time
    All the time
    God is good.

    Modified by ASTROCRAZY at 7:48 PM 11/20/2007

  3. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (ASTROCRAZY)

    I had always made excuses not to go to church with my wife and daughter. Fishing tired ect.

    At a very low point in my life, 4 month ago, i tried to come up with a way to kill myself. Ended up in the hospital and was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. They got me on meds and that seems to be working very well.

    I talked with the minister from our church and told him that I worshiped the Lord in my own way. Well....God had a different idea in mind for me. One of my coworkers gave me a book to read. The Purpose Driven Life. I started reading it that night and 40 days later finished it. In the meantime, I started going to church every Sunday with the wife and daughter.

    I cannot get enough of the want to learn more. The Lord has come back into my life and I have renewed my vow to give Him my life unconditionally. I am going to the morning service, Sunday school, the evening service, and have joined the adult drama team . I have shares my testimony with the guys and gals I work with and have been able to minister to a couple of the guys at work. one is coming to church with us now.

    I never knew what people were talking about when they would say " We have an awesome God" Well, I do now. I have let the Lord come back into my life and I know with His love for me , and my love for Him, I have a wonderful life ahead of me. Both in this earthly vessel and the home He has prepared me for in Eternity.

    Keep the Lord first in your heart, life and all that you do. Everything ealse will fall into place.

  4. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (hillbilly61)

    Amen Hillbilly. It's amazing what God can do if we just let Him. Thanks for shareing.


    Modified by ASTROCRAZY at 6:51 PM 2/22/2009

  5. Member dchance's Avatar
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    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    My wife and I were pregnant with twins. One had problems and long story short, we lost one of our boys and our other son was 2 months premature. We all know the risks here, he was 4lbs at birth and had an extended hospital stay. The worst part is that due to a troubled delivery (emergency c section) caused him to have a stroke and he is missing nearly half his brain which controls half his body. Doctors were not very optimistic on his development and basically told us nobody knows how he will do, but prepare for the worst. He is now 2 1/2 and is smart as a whip. He is only affected physically and with continues therapy will learn to cope. the Lord was watching over him.....and me.

    During this time a local church family gave us more support (prayers, money, food, about everything you could think of). We then realizes the Lord was giving us a message to return the favor. have been going to church regularly ever since.

    A side story to this is that during pregnancy my mother was diagnosed with cancer in her kidneys. Surgery rid her of cancer, but triggered cerocis?sp of the liver. She had to stop drinking or she would die. She lost a ton of weight and was to the point where she was even halucagenic?sp. We kept telling her that she needed to get better for her grandson and eventually she did. She now has a clean bill of health after nearly dying. My dad (a heavy beer drinker) stopped drinking cold turkey and they have both been sober ever since. Now you should see my son with his grandma. It is like subconsiously he kept her alive and he knows it

    How many things can I be thankful for just in this story alone?

    Derek Chance
    2021 Nitro Z19 Pro 200 Mercury ProXs
    BTS and KVD Line and Lure

  6. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (dchance)

    Thats a great story Derek, you will never regret living for the Lord. I couldn't imagine life without him. God bless you & your family.


  7. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (ASTROCRAZY)

    i am just adding to this great site we all always come to that point when we all need some thing bigger than we are.pslams it please.seed time and harvest is your road to gods faver.there will always be seed time and harvest!plant a seed for your need.speak all things into exsistance,in jesus name amen.

  8. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (billproxs,triton,08 20x2)

    The lord has been good to me, he has given me a beautiful daughter, a good wife. Its been about a year now since I quit using smokeless tobacco, he is the one who got me through it, and now he is given me a son who is going to be here around the end of june. Life is so much easier if you turn it over to him. Praise the lord!

    99 cobra 190d
    99 opti 200

  9. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    There is always a reason how We find or get somewhere to share.
    For me it was fishing lures. But here it is.
    People say born again what's that and how do we know?

    I ask the same question myself. I was going through alot in my life divorce , not seeing my kids or family. I found my famiily they accepted me as they always do.
    I was alone and knelt down on the floor and said. Lord I have nothing What am I to do ? I heard thunder and lightning which no one heard. A voice that scared everything out of me saying GOOD NOW YOU ARE MINE. From then on my life changed. I met someone shortly after that started seeing my kids again. God helped let go of anger and hurt. That was 10 years ago Life isn't perfect but Christ paid that price for us. I am still with the great lady God gave me and a fantastic relationship with my Kids.

    Maybe the lures was just a secondary action to something way bigger to share.

  10. Member
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    Re: Testimonies

    I grew up in a strict Baptist church. My mother always made me go to church. It was the very traditional country Baptist church. Needless to say, I really didn't enjoy it. I was saved at a young age. Mainly because it was the right thing to do, not because I felt God calling me. I tried to live a good life growing up. Never really got into trouble and tried to do the right thing. I never really felt as if I was a Christian though. When I finally moved out at the age of 18, the only thing I could think about was no more church on Sunday mornings, Sunday night, or wednesday nights. The first weekend I was off at college, I remember wakeing up Sunday morning and thinking, Wow I don't have to get out of bed for church... I hate to admit it but then, it was a good feeling. I begin to hang out with the party crowd. I began to drink quite a bit and didn't think much about church. The only time I went to church was when I went home to visit. After a couple of years, a friend invited me to go to church with him. I thought what the heck, why not. Again, I didn't enjoy it at all. I was watching the clock and waiting for it to hit 12. well 12 came and church didn't stop. Church went on until 2:30 and I was about to go crazy. When we finally got out of church, I told myself never again... at least not that church. I finally finished college but didn't grow up any. I continued to drink quite a bit and still didn't return to church. Years passed and I moved from NC to TN (where my sister her husband and children live). I wanted to be close to them and wanted to see my nieces and nephew grow up. They invited me to their church one Sunday morning and I decided to go. To my surprise it wasn't half bad but I still felt out of place and uncomfortable. As time went on I slowly began to stop all the drinking and partying. It was getting REALLY old. I finally met a wonderful woman (who is my fiance). I was working at the Sheriff's Office third shift so i was having to work on the weekends. Early in our relationship, my fiance kept talking about this church she was going to. She would invite me every now and then and I would always decline with the excuse of being too tired. After a while, I finally agreed to go. The first Sunday morning i was AMAZED!!!! I never knew there was a curch like that. The worship service was awsome! The sermon was awsome and to top it all off, it was very entertaining. Never thought I would hear that comeing out of my mouth... I fell in love with it. I started to go every Sunday morning and was really starting to look forward to the services. After 1 year I still continue to go to that church. I still continue to try and grow spiritually (even though it is hard sometimes). I really do think that God put my fiance in my life, not only to be my wife but to help nudge me in the right direction. Sense then i feel that I have truely been born again.

  11. Member 04sp700's Avatar
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    Re: Testimonies (bassomatic2008)

    I have always believed in god but never really went to church.I am trying to learn and follow know have 3 beautiful kids and a wife that is something special. To have put up with me and still is. I am fighting alcoholism I fight it everyday won't lie to ya I have to do something I can't live like this any more. If any of you been threw an addiction you know what I mean. If you don't mind send me some prayers I need them thanks.
    2004 Bullet 21 XDC,Mercury 250XS

  12. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (04sp700)

    Walter, addiction is something that is almost impossible to overcome by ourselves. But thank goodness we don't have to overcome it alone, God said we can come to Him with our burdens and He'll help us bear them. He is waiting with two open arms if we will just come to Him. You know what living for the world can do for you, give the Lord a try and see what He can do for you. You might just be amazed. I will keep you in my prayers.


  13. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (Boat4Life)

    Thank God, there are still some good people in this world!

  14. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (04sp700)

    Walter, Jesus tells us to come to him with our burdens, and exchange them for his, for his burdens are light, but He is strong enough to carry ours. I'm not going to blow smoke at you and tell you it's easy. You know it's not. You'll need help from your friends, your family, and from Jesus. They're all there waiting for you to turn to them in your hour of need.

    Matthew 11:28-30

  15. Member
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    Soddy Daisy, TN Chickamauga Lake

    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    Ive been thinking about doing this for years.. timing just never seemed right .. and couldn't figure out how to do it and work full time job, most of all in a business that would need full time staffing?

    Well back on the First Week if Jan got laid off as have many here and elsewhere.. Ive been looking every day for a job that would be comparable wages, even a lil less would work .. but nope nada nothin ..

    I stood out on the porch one morning before dawn a few weeks ago .. and Prayed to God to help me .. please god give me direction on a new job or a career path anything.. my life's in your hands it always has been always will be and any thing you can do lead me into the right direction.. something along those lines I prayed.

    Now some of you may think this is just coincidence , for the non believers .. but trust me, I pray regular .. but almost never for my self .. I pray for others and their situations, and for my family and country.. but the few times I have prayed for something I really needed, when the darkest clouds were hanging over my head , I pray not just for others but for my self .. and God has always provided what I needed .. maybe not what I wanted but what I needed.

    So I prayed to god as I was saying , and I have been thinking like I said for some time now about starting a business..

    A few days later .. I had dream about posting an ad on Craigslist to do boat repair .. so a few more days went by the dream kept coming back .. lil different every time but still post add on Craigslist .. so I did .. I had 22 calls in 4 hours.. but all wanted to know where my shop was .. er well don't have one just do it from home ..

    Then a few days later .. I really began think about getting a shop .. but where and how ..I was going try to build a shop .. but no job and only the wife working, that wasn't gonna happen, and the zoning would not permit it anyway ..

    So I was browsing craigslist later in my usual categories , boats, tools, computers .. and I accidentally or was it an accident? hit the office & commercial link, opps I thought then I see a post for $450 bldg shop office, I clicked on it .. it was perfect size and area .. 7 miles from home near the lake, and high traffic area .. and it even used to be a fiberglass repair shop, the guy retired a few yrs back .. and 450 per month no deposit or lease !!!! WOW that is cheap .. so I looked around to see if I could find anything comparable and for what price .. everything was 800 to 1500 per month but this lil jewel of a shop in the ruff.

    Ok so now I found this building now what .. I don't have the capital to rent or turn lights on ! so I prayed some more again asking god for guidance

    .. 2 days later after calling family members ( That was a waste of time lol ) Im starting to see it all slipping from my fingers

    .. then I get a call from an old friend hadn't talked with him in about a month, and co worker from the company was laid off from .. he asks how Ive been etc .. then he says 2 words God Called ... what did you say , I asked ?

    He said God er called me last night in a dream .. he showed me a picture of you on your knees .. so I decided to call you and see if your ok .. yea Im ok . .. But going nutz trying to figure out how to open my own boat repair business.. he then asked what I needed .. I need first months rent and deposit for electricity .. he said Ill be over in your way in about 40 mins I have some stuff to do up near your house
    .. ya gonna be home ? Yea Ill be here .

    . hour later he shows up with 1200 dollars and hands it to me .. I CAN'T take that ! You can and you will .. if you can pay it back fine .. if not that's fine too.. er uhh ok .. he then gets in his truck and leaves!

    I called the owner of building , she said yes its still available , I paid her the rent and then went and paid the deposit on the electricity . Got business license etc all taken care of and liability insurance ..

    And If you have ever wondered if God Answers Prayers ? Praying

    You bet he does .. he certainly answered this one .. I pray that all of your prayers are answered too ..
    God bless you all
    If you need boat body work , seats, carpet etc etc and your near Chattanooga, TN area look me up my door will be open in 4 days!

    Thank You God .. all things are possible in you!

  16. Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    I have been a member of BBC for a good while and go into it about 2 or 3 times a day. It has blessed me more than you will ever know. I have something on my heart this morning that I would like to share with everyone.
    A little over 2 years ago my brother started having pain in both of his legs. The DR. here could not find anything that would be causing this much pain. Tried 3 or 4 different medicines with no results. One sunday morning he told his wife he just didn't feel like going to church he was hurting too much. She said no we are going to the hospital in Springfield. In a little over 3 hours, they found a blood clot in each leg and a mass in the middle of his chest on his lungs the size of your fist. It was cancer and the Dr. told him that she was sorry, but where it was, it was in-operable. That night about 25 members of the church along with the pastor went up and prayed with them most of the night. Next day the Dr. told him she was going to hit him hard the first 2 treatments then they would see if there was any change. After the second treatment they ran test to see if anything had changed. She told jim they would not have the results until he came back for the third treatment. On his return for that treatment the Dr. came in with a very puzzled look on her face. She said Richard I don't understand it but it is all gone. My brother looked at her and pointed up and said doc you have had some help. She told him that she believed that and that she had seen that happen before but on very few times. He had to take a few more treatments. And as of 2 weeks ago there is still no sign of it anywhere.
    Thank you Lord for your LOVE and POWER. AMEN

  17. Member crash1big's Avatar
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    Re: Testimonies (crappie1943)

    Hi All,

    New to the site. I have been reading through. I see many blessings here. I have a testimony had like to share with you.
    12 years ago I married a woman who had three children. Her youngest lived with her, the other two lived with their dad. As time went on I tried to be a dad to the youngest ( Ashley). Her dad lived a few hours away. So he didn't see her too often. Ashley was a typical young girl who went to school and liked the typical things that schoolchildren liked. However because of my Christian background some of those things ( typically) met with some resistance (on my part). my wife and I would disagree about things like clothing, makeup, attitude, extracurricular activities. In an effort to win Ashley's heart I tried everything. Then one day I decided I would call on God. I went to Ashley and asked her if she could read her Bible. One verse every night and maybe tell me what it said to her. She told me she wouldn't be able to talk to me about it but that she could write it on paper. I told her that would be fine. As time went on it would be hit and miss. Some nights I would have a paper on my desk and sometimes I wouldn't. Then after a while I would have sometimes two or three papers on my desk. I noticed her attitude changed. And so did her mother. To the point that she argued with me about the way that Ashley was changing. The way she dressed. (no more tight clothes) No more makeup. No more weird music etc... Her mother threatened to go to Ashley's dad with this so that he could do something about it. Right in the middle of this turmoil Ashley's dad died. he contracted viral meningitis. He lasted seven days. When that happened a whole new responsibility was given over to me. God had placed Ashley in my keeping. After awhile Ashley and I committed to Bible studies Twice a week. The things at school became unimportant to Ashley as the things of God became more important. She told me one day that she wanted to call me dad; but that she thought it would be a little hard and weird. But she was going to try. She now calls me dad and daddy( head covering and all) she's my little girl. Because of my obedience to God Ashley came to Christ. but that's not the end of the story.
    I was one of those guys who would come home from work and either watch TV or get on my computer and play games. ( what a waste of time). My daughter would be in her room listening to gospel messages from many different people or Hymn music on CDs that she would record. Many times she asked me to come and join her and I wouldn't because I was too busy wasting my time. See Ashley works for me in my office. One day as I entered my office I saw her sitting there toiling away at her work. She had been alone all day at the office. And at that moment the Lord opened my eyes. He made me realize that all that time that I had wasted on TV and my computer I had left her alone. I was being a dad to her in name only. God broke my heart right then and there. I went to my daughter and (with tears running down my face) I asked her forgiveness. She said "of course I forgive you Dad. I knew that there was not much I could say to change your mind. So I asked God to change it". As I look back, I see that God was able to use me to draw Ashley near. And later God used Ashley to draw me nearer. Two things: God's Word has power to change lives. And God answers prayers.

    In his humble service.......

  18. Member tmbullet's Avatar
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    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    My wife and I are Christians of a non denominational church and her sister recently died ( in april) and My wife said the next day she heard her say ,"he reigns Kathy , he really reigns. Tell me that doesn't give you goose pimple's WOW

  19. Member Rico's Avatar
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    Re: Testimonies (tmbullet)

    Well this is sort of a testimony. Sunday my wife and I joined our new church. We have been visiting there for a couple of months, and really felt led to become members. For years she and I didn't go because I was raised pentecostal and she was raised southern baptist. After my divorce before I met my current wife of 12 years, I left my former church (her family attended) and didn't attend anywhere regularly. I did attend my childhood church on occasion where my Grandfather pastored but it was 40 miles away. So i wasn't going anywhere regularly. My wife who was raised baptist had no intention of going to a pentecostal church, and me being hard headed wasn't going baptist. So we just didn't attend church very often and we were both convicted for some time. A friend at work has been telling me about their new pastor at Ft. Green Baptist Church. He and I talked a lot and we had several other close friends at the church as well. We finally visited and loved the church, the spirit, and the church family. Our pastor is wonderful and I find out that before he went into the ministry he was an avid tournament angler. He and I just hit it off and I am thankful we found them, and set aside these denominational boundries. I got to take our pastor fishing a couple of weeks ago, and he can still fish. We had a great time and I am so thankful we found our new place of worship. I am glad that God still convicts us so we can see what we need to be doing. If you are not worshiping somewhere because of some small reason swallow your pride, and answer your convictions. I promise you will be so much more happy. God bless
    Bass Anglers of Hardee County is on Facebook check us out and make a friend

  20. Member
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    Re: Testimonies (CajunBass)

    first of all PRAISE GOD!!! we have a awesome GOD!! great testimonies!!!

    i was a alcohic for 34 years,drug addictt for 34 years,at the height of my outlaw carrear,was arrested 15 times in one year,had 5 dwi's served 5 years in jail for weapons charge,in the court/jail system for 20 plus years,i destroyed 2 marriages and my familes lives trying to be someone i wasn't... i'm sure i'm leaving alot of stuff out but you'all get the picture, lowlife sinner....i'm 51 now have a hard time remember dates,approx. 4 years ago i went to a little church,no one lead me,the LORD CAME AND GOT ME!! i gave my life to JESUS, a moment that for ever changed my life,thank you JESUS,one day at work a couple people from church showed up,they said come outside we have something to show you.i looked inside their vehicle and said that's a nice bass guitar,they said you start tonight at 5:00,well i plugged that thing in and low and behold i can flat wear that thing out!!i never had a lesson,i believe it's a GOD given gift ! since then i have played with 2 great gospel bands 1 southern country gospel and 1 contempary gospel,played on tv,played bass for my freind that had a song that was in the top 10 in nashville,played events and in different states,truly blessed,i cannot thank JESUS enough,if your reading all these testimonies please, if you dont know JESUS ask him to be your lord and savior,a father that understands,one that will never forsake you,because he loves you,just the way you are,just give your life to him and live for ever!!

    bass guitar,bass fishing,,thank you JESUS!!!

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