Thread: Dang chip seal!

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  1. #1
    Member 86 inches's Avatar
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    Dang chip seal!

    I love fishing Alamo Lake here in Arizona. It's always on fire late winter through spring. It sits about half way between Phoenix and Lake Havasu out in the middle of the desert so it gets ridiculously hot during the summer and most of us stop going after mid June.

    From where I live there's only one way to get there. Through Wickenburg. It's got to be one of the straightest (and most dangerous) roads in the country. And its close to 3 hours each way.

    But the fishing is so good it's worth the trip and I try to get out there once or twice a week before summer sets in. But dang it, every year they have to chip seal that road and they always do it in the spring. It just wreaks havoc on my truck and boat. Fresh tar/oil and gravel smacking my windshield and the white hull of my boat. I can live with the cleaning of the tar but the gravel hitting the bottom of my boat at 75 MPH knocks out tiny little chips in the gel coat. Nothing I can do about that. Maybe add one of the huge tailgate brushes that I see occasionally might help... maybe. You would think they could do their road maintenance in December.

    And while I'm ranting. I'm gonna blame the dang Saudis. They've leased up all that desert to grow their alfalfa because it's against the law to use their water in their desert to grow it. They're on the $hit list around here because they have lowered the water table so low that locals can't afford to drill wells deep enough to get their water. But I know it's their trucks hauling alfalfa to the railheads that tear up these roads... al la... chip seal every spring!

    My boat's hull is starting to look like swiss cheese. And a yearly windshield replacement for my F350 is about due.

    How's the road maintenance in your neck of the woods. Do they mess them up just when the fishing gets hot every year.
    Last edited by 86 inches; 05-25-2024 at 08:28 AM.
    1994 201 Champ re-powered with a 250 HO G2 E250LHAFA 05438419

  2. Member
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    It is possible that the material or process they use works best in the heat so it makes sense for them to do it in the summer.
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  3. Member
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    hmmmmmm.....just a thought -maybe slow down a bit?
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  4. Member
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    Dang no blacktop?

  5. triton
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    I deal with the same mess as you do here in upstate new york, that and redoing the painted
    lines with no warning...twice I've had my truck and boat in a body shop for paint removeal....($7500 first time
    and $4700 second time) ... I either stay off the roads until they finish ( done sweeping completly ) or find another
    road...lucky we have seven or eight lakes within five or six miles ...all roads up here suck, winter is just
    to hard on them....

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  6. Member 86 inches's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transom View Post
    It is possible that the material or process they use works best in the heat so it makes sense for them to do it in the summer.
    Hadn't thought about that. So maybe they could put it off till July. Nobody but the craziest going to that lake after the 4th. I still fish some of our lakes all summer but for some reason Alamo just seems to hot too breathe that time of year.

    Not sure the road crews could handle that heat, either. But good luck to em. Wear those landscaping Sombreros and a wet bandana and roll out all the tar and gravel you want. Should be good to go by fall!
    1994 201 Champ re-powered with a 250 HO G2 E250LHAFA 05438419

  7. Member 86 inches's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flabasspond View Post
    hmmmmmm.....just a thought -maybe slow down a bit?
    Yeah... no
    1994 201 Champ re-powered with a 250 HO G2 E250LHAFA 05438419

  8. Member Quillback's Avatar
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    They do a little chip-sealing in MO on the route I take to Table Rock. I hate that stuff too, but it's not enough to mess my boat/truck up. Always on side roads, they never do it on the state highways (AFAIK).

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    I think I would rather deal with that than the potholes we have here.
    Hard on tires and wheels.

  10. Member 86 inches's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimsch View Post
    I think I would rather deal with that than the potholes we have here.
    Hard on tires and wheels.
    We're so lucky as to have both. The road from Phoenix to Wickenburg has the potholes. Get past there and you get the chip seal. Our roads in AZ pretty much suck everwhere. Try I-17 or 40 or 10... heck they're all garbage.

    Going east on the Beeline to Roosevelt or Saguaro probably has the best road surfaces. But if you're headed to Apache, plan on some trailer maintenance after your trip.
    1994 201 Champ re-powered with a 250 HO G2 E250LHAFA 05438419

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flabasspond View Post
    hmmmmmm.....just a thought -maybe slow down a bit?
    My thought exactly.

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  13. Member 86 inches's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rjvana37 View Post
    My thought exactly.
    To what? 55? 45? 35? 25? At what speed does chip seal stop nicking up your boat. We're not talking a 10 minute section of road. This is at least an hour maybe more section of the highway they mess up. And even at 70-75 I'm still getting passed routinely by most everyone else on the highway peppering me with rocks as they fly by. How would creeping down the road help that? And boy, wouldn't I be popular. More like a hazard.
    1994 201 Champ re-powered with a 250 HO G2 E250LHAFA 05438419

  14. Member 86 inches's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayshooter View Post
    Beautiful! Thank you. I'll check it out.
    1994 201 Champ re-powered with a 250 HO G2 E250LHAFA 05438419