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  1. #1
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    175 Pro XS Issues/Considering Vessel View Mobile

    At the end of the last season I was getting a continuous alarm tone whenever I was idling my boat. My water pressure gauge on the dash was reading low so I figured it was the impeller needed to be replaced. If I throttled up some the alarm would stop and the water pressure gauge would read good pressure. Last time out had the alarm happen at idle again, go out when I throttled up but when cruising to a spot Guardian Mode kicked in with no alarm. I pulled the boat and winterized it and planned on getting it serviced after I sold my house and moved, which is now. But I am wondering if I knew the alarm codes it may be something I could tackle myself with my service manual and save myself a bunch I'm sure. So to do that I was considering getting Vessel View Mobile for $200. I'm just not sure if I should just use that money for service or if the Vessel View is worth having either way. I'm thinking of picking it up because I think in the end I could save myself some money but was just curious of people's opinions that have it. Oh, and where in the service manual are the fault codes listed? It is an official service manual too, and I was expecting it to have the fault codes in it but I skimmed through and didn't see them.

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    Completely replace your water pump. I had the same exact thing happen to my 175 Pro XS. Once I replaced ALL of the water pump parts, issue gone.

  3. Member 06 SB's Avatar
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    You need to post the motors serial number for the experts to chime in. Also, ignoring an alarm, especially a critical alarm such as a solid tone is not good. Every alarm and its duration is recorded. Technically you are abusing the engine and Mercury can refuse to cover a repair if it is a warranty item. The only way to know what caused your alarm is to get it to a technician and have the codes read that are stored in the motor's PCM.

    You absolutely need some type of Smartcraft device on any motor capable of having one. There are several benefits to these devices. The first is to make sure the motor is coming up to operating temperature before putting the hammer down. Being able to know what is causing alarms tones in huge and can save you a bunch of money over the life of the boat recouping most, if not all, of the cost of these things. Vessel View MOBILE is certainly the cheapest option but a Mercmonitor or Vessel View LINK is better IMO. They are always on no matter the weather and no need to remember to pair your phone.

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    First question, when was the water pump last serviced? Service interval is annual or 100hrs whichever comes first. Service is more than just an impeller, you'll also need gaskets and possibly a plate. I did a tutorial complete with pics for the 2.5L Optimax and can be found in the FAQ section at top of this forum - Water Pump Replacement

    Secondly, adding a SmartCraft device is a wise decision, I recommend bypassing the old system monitor and going for a MercMonitor. You will never regret that decision.

    Lastly, there is a huge amount of information on maintaining your Optimax in the FAQ at the top of this forum. Spend some time there to learn what the pros advise and what some of us have gained, and shared, on maintaining our engines. Best part is it's free.

    Yes, engine serial numbers are required when posting, add yours when you have time.

    '09 Hewescraft ProV
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  5. Member
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    Thanks for the replies!

    Sorry my serial number is 2B230713. I didn't think I needed to post it just yet because I'm mostly just trying to determine if I should just bring it in for service or if purchasing Vessel View Mobile will facilitate my tackling the issue myself. It sounds like either way I should have some kind of monitoring.

    To answer the questions. I am unaware of when the water pump was last serviced. I bought the boat used and haven't done it myself since purchasing so it definitely needs to be done. I'm starting to think, especially with the support this board has to offer, that I should get a monitoring system and just tackle it myself. Seems the monitoring system will pay for itself in the long term.

    SilverFox579, you mention "bypassing the old system monitor and going for a Mercmonitor". I'm not sure what you mean by the old system monitor? I don't have any monitoring information on my boat that I am aware of, I would be looking to be completely adding it. So you recommend the Mermonitor over the Vessel View Mobile, correct? Do you have a link for the Mercmonitor? I googled it but a lot comes up and I don't see exactly where to purchase one. Nor do I fully understand what one I should purchase. Looking briefly it seems there are different levels, gauges, etc.. I want to be able to monitor my engine and more importantly be able to read all fault codes so I can tackle the repairs myself. If you could point me in the right direction I would appreciate.

  6. Mercury 3L/4 Stroke/Verado Moderator EuropeanAM's Avatar
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    Sorry- there's just no "fair" way to say "you do have to post it for this, you don't have to post it for that, you might want to ....". That would just be a massive cluster of frustration, so the fairest and most reliable method has been to provide the info with each post.

    I agree wholeheartedly that you need SOME form of Smartcraft Instrument, Display or Device. Without it, you're essentially flying blind, and the Smartcraft side of your very expensive engine PCM is limited to screaming at you and sending "smoke signals".

    Water pump is, as indicated, an ANNUAL maintenance item, so I would plan to do that NOW, regardless. You do, however, need to get that engine on a suitable diagnostic tool. Those solid-tone warnings indicate to: Shut the engine down as soon as safely possible and get it in for service.

    Fault "codes" are only provided in the PCM Diagnostic Manual and G3 Diagnostic System (outside of perhaps the Fault Name, and simple corrective suggestions in some case that are displayed through Smartcraft).

    Dual Mercury Master Technician- for Mercury Outboards, Mercruiser and Mercury Racing at European Marine in Greenville, SC.
    Still consider myself a "Marine Apprentice" after 47 years (learn something new every day).
    Mercury Parts, Mercury Outboards, Smartcraft & Accessories, Injector Service, TDR Reeds- BBC Sponsor

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    Thanks, I understand about the serial# my mistake. I am planning on doing the water pump maintenance and will get the parts with whatever else I may need once I determine any other fault codes.

    So to get those fault codes, I'm not going to lie having looked into it a little I'm confused on what I need. Other than the Vessel View Mobile, which seems straight forward enough, I'm not sure what I would need to be able to monitor using the Mercmonitor. Is that something I can reach out to your parts department and explain my situation and they can present some options I have to choose from? I see using gauges or through your Lowrance displays, which I have, but I'm truly confused and want to make sure I purchase what I need. Do you also sell the PCM manual?

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    Here's a good topic for Smartcraft options - SMARTCRAFT Options (Checked 11/23)

    As far as what to monitor, a level 1 or 2 Mercmonitor (mine is level 2) will provide all the data you need. I have a few tri-data screens, and a few custom screens, but rarely move from the one that shows coolant temp, coolant pressure, and rpm...coolant temp and pressure are the most important parameters for an Optimax IMHO. The newer vessel view options, certainly the mobile, came out after I installed a Mercmonitor so you might prefer one of them over a Mercmonitor.

    Reach out to EurpeanAM for assistance on Smartcraft options and parts, great folks there. If you want to order or price Mercury Engine Parts or Accessories

    '09 Hewescraft ProV
    '09 150 Optimax

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    Thanks SilverFox! I did see that thread trying to figure it all out. I am in the process of sending an email to European Marine's part department to see what the options are. I think I kinda have a rough idea now. So if I buy a Level 1 MercMonitor it comes with a gauge that I can install in my dash. I can also add to that by getting a NMEA tee and tie into my Lowrance HDS9 to display the info too. Like I said I am reaching out to European Marine to be sure, but I think that is it in a nutshell.

    Also thinking ahead to replacing the water pump, which I know I have to do. I just need to get the water pump repair kit 96148A8 and that will have everything I need to complete the water pump replacement or is there something else I should grab too? Do you think it is worth getting a seal kit too, to replace them while I have it apart? Not sure when they were last replaced.

    Thank you for the help. I don't think I would consider tackling any of this myself if it wasn't for this website.

    Screenshot 2024-01-12 092459.png

  10. Member
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    One thing I did not like about the MercMonitor is it reads water temperature and not cylinder head temperature.
    1997 Ranger 692VS
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  11. Mercury 3L/4 Stroke/Verado Moderator EuropeanAM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ranger Rod View Post
    One thing I did not like about the MercMonitor is it reads water temperature and not cylinder head temperature.
    The temp display is a "smart-average" of the Cylinder Head Temp Sensors (it's not a Sea-Water Temp).

    Dual Mercury Master Technician- for Mercury Outboards, Mercruiser and Mercury Racing at European Marine in Greenville, SC.
    Still consider myself a "Marine Apprentice" after 47 years (learn something new every day).
    Mercury Parts, Mercury Outboards, Smartcraft & Accessories, Injector Service, TDR Reeds- BBC Sponsor

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    Quote Originally Posted by The-Bug View Post
    Also thinking ahead to replacing the water pump, which I know I have to do. I just need to get the water pump repair kit 96148A8 and that will have everything I need to complete the water pump replacement or is there something else I should grab too? Do you think it is worth getting a seal kit too, to replace them while I have it apart? Not sure when they were last replaced.
    The pump kit is all you should need, there will be extra parts you don't use so don't worry about that. Follow the steps in my tutorial and it will be a breeze. Post back if you have questions while servicing your engine.

    This is my on screen display, will vary depending which MFD you have...

    Last edited by SilverFox579; 01-13-2024 at 07:29 AM.

    '09 Hewescraft ProV
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    Thanks got great info from European Marine and I'm going to go with the MercMonitor Level 1 to start then I'll look into adding a NMEA 2k network to display on my Lowrance down the road. Doing the repairs myself is little intimidating but I think the MerMonitor long term is a better expense. Once I get the ok from the wife I'll get it ordered. Not sure how much work on the boat I'll get done in this western NY weather but should be able to start plugging away at it to be ready by spring.

    Thanks again to everyone for the help so far. I'm sure there will be more questions to come!

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    OP- your story sounds just like mine. I got the vessel view mobile and it has helped me troubleshoot and fix things myself. I’d do it all over again.

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    ^^^^^^^^ +1 smart man indeed
    .................................................. ...the scariest thing in life is the unknown ...................................

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    Sorry to bump this thread but just wanted to provide an update and thank everyone for the help.

    I reached out to European Marine and Rhonda sent me a great email explaining all the options for the Mercmonitor, after a couple questions, with Don providing some of the technical answers, I purchased a Level 1 Mercmonitor, fuel/oil harness, oil level sensor and the waterpump kit.

    First thing I installed was the Mercmonitor, with Don's help and going through a few posts on this board the installation was pretty easy. The worse part, as many have mentioned is threading the cables through the rigging tube to the motor. I depinned the connectors but I still really struggled getting that fuel/oil harness through. But I did and then after that it was pretty much just plug and play. I replaced my analog speedometer with the Mercmonitor and that also had my analog fuel gauge on it so I had to hook up the fuel harness to my current sending unit along with installing the new oil level sensor. Again both were pretty straight forward. Couple tweaks and the Mercmonitor fired right up, had to setup the oil tank but that was it and everything seemed fine with it.

    Now that it was installed I was able to see what the issue I was having last year. My boat entering guardian mode didn't have anything to do with the waterpump(that's a separate issue). Turns out I still had an alarm that the motor side oil level was low. I think I was getting the alarm beep for the overheating that I must of not noticed the four beeps as being something different. But never recall hearing it to point me in the direction of the oil level, so I'm glad the Mercmonitor spelled it out for me.

    After that was all set I installed the new waterpump. Following SilverFox's excellent guide it went smoothly, other than me trying to shift into gear without the prop spinning after I completed it to test if I got the shifter installed correctly. Won't do that again! But it definitely needed to be replaced, so I was hopeful that would eliminate my other alarm.

    Got it onto the muffs and ran it on idle for about 15 minutes before the oil reservoir was full, closed the cap, the alarm cleared and seemed to have good psi. Don't fully trust the psi on the muffs so I took it to a close lake yesterday just to see if all the issues were resolved. I was able to idle for quite some time with no alarms, was out of Guardian mode and able to go WOT for a little bit with no issues. Wasn't there long because it was freezing and ice started falling from the sky but I felt I was there enough to feel confident my issues are corrected and can plan my first fishing day for next weekend.

    I feel that Mercmonitor is already beginning to pay for itself and I am very glad I made the purchase. Also wanted to thank everyone for their input/help and never would of attempted any of this without the support of this board and especially European Marine.

    Thank you!

  17. Mercury 3L/4 Stroke/Verado Moderator EuropeanAM's Avatar
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    Dual Mercury Master Technician- for Mercury Outboards, Mercruiser and Mercury Racing at European Marine in Greenville, SC.
    Still consider myself a "Marine Apprentice" after 47 years (learn something new every day).
    Mercury Parts, Mercury Outboards, Smartcraft & Accessories, Injector Service, TDR Reeds- BBC Sponsor

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    Great to hear of your results!

    '09 Hewescraft ProV
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  19. Member lpugh's Avatar
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    Install a 3/4 in red led in paralell with warning buzzer on the dash, alarm is quite often not heard at speed
    Thank You Leon Pugh

  20. Member 06 SB's Avatar
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    Awesome to hear!

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