Ran across this in the comments section of a story about Biblical values and thought it was worth sharing:

Kevin Walters6 hours ago • edited
It appears that this saying is still apt for many today.
“You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and these are they which testify about me”
Knowledge without faith is useless, as His Living/‘Way’, Word/Will is radial, and enlightens all ‘honest’ hearts who encounter It, as they seek out the Wisdom (Kingdom) of God (Truth).
I am relatively new to the chaos that I have found on the internet, in how the Science of Interpretation (Hermeneutics), is been used, it’s cold divergence from the living Word of God, with intellectualised nuances. For many it appears to be a game of one-upmanship by the better educated, His compassionate vibrating heart is nowhere to be seen, it appears to be just a mind game for many, but sadly they do not know it.
This searching is comparable to those who tried to build the Tower of Babel, they cannot understand each other, they are not of one mind, the Mind of Christ, the ‘living’ Word of God within the heart. The fullness of Gods Inviolate Word is not enough for them, individually they would have more; wanting to be the arbitrators of His revealed Inviolate Will, they would exhaust the treasures in Christ and then still desire more, they are comparable to a man filling a bucket with a hole in it, they retain nothing within the heart.
Faith is trust, trust in His Inviolate Word (Will) as defined by Jesus Christ and the certitude of His teaching. I believe that the questioning of Church teaching is healthy, when the basis of that questioning relates to the conformity of her teaching in relation to Gods Inviolate Word (Will). As only the prior acceptance of the ‘gift’ of Jesus Christ speaking to us through the Gospels, delivers any ground for fruitful discussion, as It will always lead us into the reality of walking His ‘Way’ in humility, as a humble heart is the only place that the on-going transforming action of the Holy Spirit can take place.
“For my ‘gift’ will become a spring in the man himself, welling up into eternal life.”
The Ultimate debating reality
John 12:48 “The one who rejects me and does not accept my words has a judge; the word I have spoken will judge him at the last day”
kevin your brother
In Christ