2019 PIEDMONT BASS CLASSICS $10K TOURNAMENT DATES!!! These are the dates for the 2019 Piedmont Bass Classics $10K Spring Team Bass Trail. These have all been approved! NOT TAKING ENTRIES AT THIS TIME. More info will come soon. I'm putting these out early so you can make your personal or other trail tournament plans for next year. Mini Trail and other stuff coming soon also. Here ya go!! MARCH 2, 2019...JORDAN
MARCH 16, 2019...FALLS
APRIL 13, 2019...JORDAN
APRIL 27, 2019...KERR
MAY 11, 2019...JORDAN
JUNE 1, 2019...FALLS

Starting positions for this trail will be determined by drawing for each individual qualifier. This will give everyone that has preregistered an equal chance for a good starting spot in each qualifier!! Championship starting positions will be determined by points as always. More info coming.
Let us help grow your business! If you would like to sponsor or help sponsor any of our tournaments give me a call.
Contact Information:
Phil McCarson...Tournament Director---922 Valetta Rd.---Durham, NC 27712
Home: 919-471-1571 Cell: 919-971-5042
email: philsflags@msn.com website: http://piedmontbassclassics.com/
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