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  1. #1

    Powerpoles open up?

    I checked for leaks.. none found?

    Yet, they seem to open up after not being used
    For several days?

    Thanks for any info

  2. BBC SPONSOR/ Shallow Water Anchors Moderator
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    New York
    How old are they? Could be slight unnoticeable pressure leak or pumps may need to be rebuilt.

  3. #3
    New boat to me 2013 Basscat package had 78 hours on it ,they were on when I purchased

    They work fine and deploy/stow perfectly..I just checked yesterday after using them Sunday and they were fine(nice and snug), looked tonight and they are open about 10"

    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    South Florida
    If you have no leaks in the fittings the only two other places to look would be internal.

    1) The plunger in the cylinder could have some slow blow by.. This would be the LAST place to point as the cylinders are pretty solid component.
    2) Check valves in the pump could have a little debris in it causing it not to fully close. When this happens the pole will slowly leak down. Once the pump is functioned the pole will tighten back up only to slowly leak down again over time.. Pull pump out and send to Power Pole. Give them a call first and they will issue you an RMA. They will flow the pump and return good as new.

  5. #5
    Thanks guys..having issues connecting to "C-monster" app. Figured maybe I could do diagnostics check and send findings to Powerpole to start the process.

    Is there any video's showing the steps to take for removing the pumps and checking the valves?

    @Hydrilla Gear ..Any sales on "Gen 2 tilt brackets" ?