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  1. Member
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    Re: False River reports (captainrab)

    Chad or Capt Rab,

    What sort of pattern would you speculate they can catch that kind of stringer???? Carolina Rigs in 15' secret brushpiles, etc....

    It always blows me away when someone catches more big fish in one day than I can catch in a year or two...that's mindblowing! I have started fishing False River more over the past couple of years to get on better fish but it's still a really rare thing for me to catch a 5lb bass. Obviously, I don't work the 'big fish' pattern(s).

    Hats off to those guys, they rock!

  2. Member
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    Re: False River reports (Cajun Skeeter)

    Definately brush tops! But if you take the time and effort to put them out, more power to ya! That was one beautiful stringer of fish

    I think I'm finished fishing tournyments on False River for a while, it's too embarrassing for me at the weigh in.

  3. Member
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    Re: False River reports (Chad)

    Chad, I hope I'm not out of line asking, but how do you "sweeten" your tops. I know almost nothing about tops and/or fishing them. I've recently heard of people dumping sacks of crawfish on their tops, I've heard of people dumping some sort of feed and/or dog food, and heard that some just sweeten it by adding more green. The one thing I do know, is tops seem to produce a lot better this time of year on False River than any other type of cover/structure.

  4. Member
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    Re: False River reports (CaneinBatonRouge)

    I'm sorry...I missed your post...

    Basically everything you suggested will work, although some of them are over rated.....such as the crawfish, for example...greenery is good, but only certain types...the dog food, etc will work, but it really depends on the time of the is a trial by error thing is to locate them in a good spot, and you don't have to worry about freshening them up all the time...

  5. Member
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    Re: False River reports (Chad)

    Well, finally went out yesterday for my second trip of the year to try to determine where to fish on Friday....fished for a couple of hours. Had about a total of 6 bites. Set the hook on three of them, with the biggest being just a bit over 3.5, and the other two solid 15 inchers. Caught them all on FBBs Double Ringer in around 4 feet of water on trash...bite was kind of slow until right around dark, and then got pretty active....

  6. Member
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    Re: False River reports (Chad)

    Didn't do too much last night.... ....only managed 4 keepers, for around 9 pounds. Wife did pop off on a really good fish right off the bat on a crankbait, though, and we missed several fish, which I am going to chalk up to rust and beat around in 2-3 footers all charlie horses in my calves today from working that trolling motor between waves so it didn't splash and make noise all over the place... ....imagine having to hit your trolling motor button every time the bow went down into a wave for 5 hours straight.....lots of calf raises there...

    First place was a bit over 15 pounds....had a 9.33 kicker though....Don't remember the kids names...couple young kids (15 or so) in a bay boat....second place was Tim Collie and Emery Patin with 14 something or another....had 5 really nice fish....all looked about the same size....Tim said they had about 15 keepers caught last night....3rd was around 10 pounds, 4th was 9.70 I beleive, and it dropped from there....think we may have been in about 6th or 7th or so....All in all, alot of fish were caught last night, despite the horrible conditions....

  7. Member
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    Re: False River reports (Chad)

    Same luck for me Friday night ... 4 fish at 9.14 lbs. I was lucky to do that well since I didn't have a keeper until 10 PM. That was some hog that those 2 boys brought in.

    The interesting part of my trip was the ride home. My alternator died about the time that I was crossing Plank road (2 AM) and I lost my lights, radio, and then the truck died. I've got to say that it was awful convenient to have a boat with 4 more batteries to get me home... I may tow it everywhere from now on.

    Tim and Emery are on fish big time right now. It will be a good shootout between those guys and Chad if his brush kicks in this week.

  8. Member
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    Re: False River reports (Cajun Skeeter)

    Apparently Paul (Cajun Skeeter) was too modest to tell you all that he kicked butt last friday night and won with 15 plus pounds.....I am not sure on the exact weight as I had to work that night. Heard they were some pretty good fish, though... Not sure where or on what, but I am quite sure he will be happy to tell you all his exact locations and baits he used to catch em....

    Last night was a pretty good night for us. We ended up with a good limit of 19.29 with a 5.23 big fish...was big fish of the tournament too... ...had another 4.88 to go with it, and 3 other really nice 3 pound fish. I guess we had almost a dozen keepers in the boat by around 9:00, and from that point ended up just trying a few different things/areas. Don't think we caught a keeper after 10:30 or so. Caught em all on FBBs double ringers and paddletails in 6 feet of water.

  9. Member
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    Re: False River reports (Chad)

    Unfortunately, I won with ONLY 14.40 lbs last week with my largest at 4.33 lbs which was 2nd place big bass (1st place big bass was 4.42). This was a personal best for me on the Friday night tournament as I had never broken 12 lbs during one of the tournaments (unlike Chad who will have 15 lbs every week for a while now ).

    All of my fish came on Zoom plastics fishing around piers since I don't have any secret brushpiles .

  10. Member
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    Watson, Louisiana

    Re: False River reports (Cajun Skeeter)

    Chad, congrats on your win last night! My son didn't have a baseball game this weekend so I was able to slip out for an early tourney. I saw you pass me shortly after the bend. We had 12.33 for 3rd place and a whopping $30.00 but I sure do miss fishing the tourneys. I'll see you gents when I can. Keep wacking em as long as you can

    Captain Rab

    Captain Rab
    V1CO 1:27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the
    world to put to shame the wise; and God has
    chosen the weak things of the world to put to
    shame the things which are mighty

  11. Member
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    Re: False River reports (captainrab)

    Cool deal man...congrats!!!...didn't even see you...course, I don't know what you look like, as I have never officially met you... Think I do remember seeing one boat just around the a late start on it as Mr Guy blasted everyone off about 5 minutes little girl had a t-ball game, and I just barely made it just before it was time to take time you are out, come and introduce yourself...I don't know who to look for....

    Paul, don't count on 15 pounds for sure from me....its so unpredictable out there the past couple of years....don't even know if I will make it out there this Friday a tournament on Saturday out of Doiron's, and not sure I am up for the 2 hours of sleep Friday night to do it if I fish the cookie jar...

  12. Member
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    Denham Springs, LA

    Re: False River reports (captainrab)

    Hey Capt,

    How fast will that Ranger of your's run? If I'm not mistaken, I saw you with a 150HP outboard and then I thought I saw you running 70 mph at the front of the pack.... Did I miss something or will that boat run?

  13. Member
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    Watson, Louisiana

    Re: False River reports (Cajun Skeeter)

    Cajun, your right she does run. I didn't have her opened up all the way either. When Chad came up on the right side I backed out of it and started looking for my exit ramp. I am very pleased. Ironically enough I caught a lot of flack on the prop and Ranger forum because nobody believed it ran as well as she does. BBC member Bill Kemp hooked me up with a really sweet prop and that has made all of the difference.
    I have a baseball tourney this weekend so it looks like you have to win this weekend. Keep the BBCers in the money and thanks for the kind remarks regarding my second love.

    Captain Rab
    V1CO 1:27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the
    world to put to shame the wise; and God has
    chosen the weak things of the world to put to
    shame the things which are mighty

  14. Member
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    Denham Springs, LA

    Re: False River reports (captainrab)

    Wow, that thing will run. I was running solo in the Skeeter with the 225 VMAX way off to your left and we were in a dead heat (probably right around 70 mph).

    I swapped props last year and went the wrong way on speed. My 27M got a cracked blade and I ended up buying a 25VMX. That prop is a dog on my boat. I dropped 2in of pitch but LOST 300 rpms and 3 mph.

  15. Member
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    Watson, Louisiana

    Re: False River reports (Cajun Skeeter)

    Cajun, if you want the details on my prop you can contact Bill Kemp @ He can probably set you up with the man that initially did the work on it and provide all the specifics.
    It sure gets the the hull out of the water and still has plenty torque throughout the throttle band. At 50 I can get into it and it will still set you back in the seat. Mark could not believe how well it ran on Friday.
    Good Luck this weekend, hope you catch a sack full.
    Captain Rab
    V1CO 1:27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the
    world to put to shame the wise; and God has
    chosen the weak things of the world to put to
    shame the things which are mighty

  16. Member
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    Jarreau, LA

    Re: False River reports (captainrab)

    Not great this past Friday. Only caught 6 fish all night, 5 of which were keepers....3 of them barely made 14 inches, and had one decent fish just over three pounds...good enough for 5th place and one place shy of the money at 9.25 pounds. 9.38 was the cut off. Captain Rab did get yet another third place finish with just shy of 10 pounds I believe. Congrats to him again...

    Caught everything on FBB paddletails again...water was pretty muddy and the wind was a little tough....hoping for better conditions next week....

  17. Member
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    Denham Springs, LA

    Re: False River reports (Chad)

    Pretty tough for me as well. I caught ~ 9 fish with 5 keepers at 8.90 lbs. Fish seem to be getting smaller for me. I'm starting to dread summer already where I can only catch 14.01" keepers instead of the 17"-18" fish a few weeks ago.

    First place was 12.12 lbs. Can't think of that guys name but he's tough on Friday nights. I think I heard that he just started fishing the lake again this year after not fishing it for years.

    Gary Rispone was out there filming at midnight so you guys should be able to catch part of the weigh-in on TV this week.

  18. Member
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    Watson, Louisiana

    Re: False River reports (Cajun Skeeter)

    Alright men, I am DEFINATELY not going to be there this weekend due to baseball unless it rains on Friday . Pleasure meeting you Cajun...Thanks for coming up before and after the tourney. Whatever luck I have stored up I am splitting equally between you and Chad . Got to keep the BBCer's in the money.
    I will say this much...the bigger fish seem like they are already deeper and..... well I've said too much.....
    Good Luck and hope to see you guys soon.

    Modified by captainrab at 8:44 AM 5/7/2006
    Captain Rab
    V1CO 1:27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the
    world to put to shame the wise; and God has
    chosen the weak things of the world to put to
    shame the things which are mighty

  19. Member
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    Jarreau, LA

    Re: False River reports (captainrab)

    Well, chances are you will be there this will I....complete with a slicker suit... Did manage to get out there Wednesday evening to "freshen" up a bit....usually do that before the fist tournament, but haven't had time yet this year....Hopefully it will pay off.....I haven't got much time left for those fish before I gotta start looking elsewhere....

  20. Member
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    Port Allen

    Re: False River reports (Chad)

    Fished Sat night for the first time night fishing ever...only got a bite or two from 8-10...we fished from Bonaventures going south...this was probably a bad decision b/c we were thinking after the fact that the water on that side of the lake was prolly muddy from the heavy rains and that canal dumping muddy water there too late and didn't want to run very far..

    Any one fished Friday and saw if the water was muddy?

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