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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Syracuse , NY

    Canadarango lake

    Heading there this summer… what to look for..

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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Mohawk, New York
    I live 15min from Canadarago and I only go there 1-2 times a year. That sentence speaks for itself. I’d rather drive an hour than drive 15min to there. Its feast or famine. To sum it up: very pretty lake, in an area that makes you feel that you traveled back in time, sub par fishing.

    Southern tip and western side of the island is good for smallies (8” to 4lbs can be caught there). Dropshot, jigs, swimbaits.

    south end in the pad fields can be a good frog bite and flipping bite. The there’s a really nice ledge and drop off near the haystacks (southeast side), that’s good for smallies. I known some people who get 18-19lb bags of smallies there but they live on the lake and fish it regularly.

    the western shoreline has more pads and sparse grass. East and northern side has more submerged grass.

    the sunken island looks like an amazing spot, but I’ve caught 4 bass off it in 4 years, all good sized though.

    Usually winning weight for a tourney is 15-16lbs with some 4-5lb class fish being weighed for lunker. Average limit is around 10lbs.

    that said, majority do not get a limit. We had a club tourney there last fall with 8 people, one guy came in with a limit but his weight was close to 17lbs
    Last edited by ECobb91; 02-20-2022 at 09:46 AM.
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  3. Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Cobleskill, New York
    Same experience, used to fish it all the time, have had some great days there and caught some bruisers, but I've had many more days where I got blanked or grinded it out for one or two. I may go there once a season now. Much better places to fish. Good luck!

  4. BBC SPONSOR/ Shallow Water Anchors Moderator
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    New York
    1 of my "local" lakes . Hit it like twice a year its not what it used to be .. Murph compared to where your fishing now not worth the drive IMO. Let's not forget the angry boat steward who will pull your trolling motor prop off to check for weeds during his 30 min rude nasty boat inspection. Lol

  5. Member
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Bainbridge/New York
    Not a big fan amymore. Bass fishing was fantastic back in the early to mid 90's. Agree with KandKKustomz I would take a day on any of the lakes in the finger lakes region over Canadarago. Also agree with ECobb91. You would think the sunken island would produce more fish. I have never done much there. I like the South end the best. Good luck if you decide to hit it.