Thread: Bond Yields

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Coral Springs, Florida

    Bond Yields

    At what level do bond yields start looking attractive? I know it depends alot on what the inflation rate is but if we see intermediate bond funds (I'm thinking investment grade corporates) start yielding around 3.5% does that make them more attractive for retirees that have really had no alternative? I would probably start buying corporates at this level.but I wouldn't sell my stocks.

  2. Stocks/Investments Moderator boneil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Aberdeen, MD
    So many variables. Maybe when I'm retired, if I couldn't afford a decline in stocks, 3% maybe. But I hope to never own bonds. I'm in growth stocks now, and in 15 years or so will start to move into dividend paying stocks.

    But how high can bond yields go? There's so much money in the world, any uptick in yield, and money pours in
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