Thread: Little Johnny

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  1. #1

    Little Johnny

    A teacher wants her students to go through their ABCs using a word and the word in a sentence.

    Teacher says "A". Little Johnny throws his hand up, she knows Johnny so she calls on another student.

    "Billy?' she picks. Billy: "Apple. An apple a day keeps the doctor away." "Very good Billy!" Teacher responds.

    "Ok class, B" she continues. Johnny's hand is up again. "Sally" says the teacher. "Banana. Chimps like bananas." Sally says.

    Moving through the alphabet Johnny has his hand up every letter. Finally they get to W, teacher thinks to herself "Surely W is a harmless letter". "Ok Johnny, W" she squeaks out.

    "Whoom" Johnny exclaims. "Like your mother's womb?" the teacher reluctantly ask.

    Johnny says "Naw, like two elephants in the woods...WHOOM, WHOOM, WHOOM!!"
    Last edited by Axlenut; 06-12-2020 at 03:02 PM.

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