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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Baptism of Christ

    A hymn about the Baptism of Christ. Stanza 2 'sprinkling' refers to the ancient Day of Atonement where the High Priest would sprinkle blood on the Ark in the Holy of Holies (Tabernacle/Temple).

    God's Own Child, I Gladly Say It(I am Baptized Into Christ!)by E. Neumeister
    Stanza 1
    God's own child, I gladly say it:
    I am baptized into Christ!
    He, because I could not pay it,
    Gave my full redemption price.
    Do I need earth's treasures many?
    I have one worth more than any
    That brought me salvation free
    Lasting to eternity!
    Stanza 2
    Sin, disturb my soul no longer:
    I am baptized into Christ!
    I have comfort even stronger:
    Jesus' cleansing sacrifice.
    Should a guilty conscience seize me
    Since my Baptism did release me
    In a dear forgiving flood,
    Sprinkling me with Jesus' blood!
    Stanza 3
    Satan, hear this proclamation:
    I am baptized into Christ!
    Drop your ugly accusation,
    I am not so soon enticed.
    Now that to the font I've traveled,
    All your might has come unraveled,
    And, against your tyranny,
    God, my Lord, unites with me!

    Stanza 4
    Death, you cannot end my gladness:
    I am baptized into Christ!
    When I die, I leave all sadness
    To inherit paradise!
    Though I lie in dust and ashes
    Faith's assurance brightly flashes:
    Baptism has the strength divine
    To make life immortal mine.
    Stanza 5
    There is nothing worth comparing
    To this lifelong comfort sure!
    Open-eyed my grave is staring:
    Even there I'll sleep secure.
    Though my flesh awaits its raising,
    Still my soul continues praising:
    I am baptized into Christ;
    I'm a child of paradise!

  2. Member
    Join Date
    May 2004
    North Chesterfield, Virginia
    Thanks. That's not one I'm familiar with.

  3. Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    My wife and I went to a funeral. Everyone at the gravesite sang a hymn--by rote. We had never heard it before. The point being other factions of Christianity have much to offer. Sometimes we miss out with the same old-same old. The good news is the Gospel transcends these groups. Isaiah talks a lot about grace is offered to all nations and all peoples. "All nations shall be bless thru you..."

  4. Member
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    Dec 2015
    Each person doesn't have to wonder if God loves him. Is he included in God's plan of salvation? Every soul is precious in God's sight. Every human yearns to be accepted and forgiven. And so it is with God:
    Isaiah 56:3ff

    3Let not the foreigner who has joined himself to the LORD say,
    “The LORD will surely separate me from His people.”
    Nor let the eunuch say, “Behold, I am a dry tree.”4For thus says the LORD,
    “To the eunuchs who keep My sabbaths,
    And choose what pleases Me,
    And hold fast My covenant,
    5To them I will give in My house and within My walls a memorial,
    And a name better than that of sons and daughters;
    I will give them an everlasting name which will not be cut off.
    6“Also the foreigners who join themselves to the LORD,
    To minister to Him, and to love the name of the LORD,
    To be His servants, every one who keeps from profaning the sabbath
    And holds fast My covenant;
    7Even those I will bring to My holy mountain
    And make them joyful in My house of prayer.
    Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar;
    For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples.”
    8The Lord GOD, who gathers the dispersed of Israel, declares,
    “Yet others I will gather to them, to those already gathered.”

    ----Gospel, 100% Grade A Gospel.
    Last edited by msethsmile; 01-21-2020 at 09:21 AM.

  5. Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    This is the whole theme of the Epiphany season (which we are in): 1. Jesus is recognized as Lord (show forth, enlighten). 2. All peoples will be blessed thru Him (the 3 Magi). My neighborhood calls this "Universal Grace".
    Last edited by msethsmile; 01-21-2020 at 09:25 AM.