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  1. #1

    Blue catfish commercial electro fishing

    I'm sure most of us were unaware that a DGIF study on using electro-fishing as method for commercial harvest of blue catfish was being done. I found these meeting minutes while looking for something else.
    Go down to page 24.

  2. Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    What they need to do is cut the crap with all the netting in the grass beds during the bass spawn. Last year it was terrible in Occoquan, Quantico, Chickamuxen and Mattawoman.

  3. mikesxpress
    It's been like that for years.

    Harrison posting anything here or any other social media site with regards to changes in any DGIF area of concern is a waste of time. The link I posted today for DGIF comment period is how your voice is heard by the folks that make/enforce the Virginia laws.
    *Be polite, grammatically correct, and concise in what law you would like to have changed/added/deleted. They review all of them.