Sorry if duplicated question about QUICKDRAW uploads or wide coverage of QC

i navigate in a extensive fresh water reservoir, i try record contours all areas as possible, have about 20 Km W-East, and 5 Km N-South

I cant upload ContoursLog.svy to

the info its readable in the Echomap Plus 92SV console

I try in Chrome and I.Explorer
I try in page and

My SVY file have 5 Mb

probably any corruption because reverse recordings

but needed any solution to fix and do not lost many info.



I see many questions in quickdraw operation, in FRESH WATER many times recorded QUICKDRAWS CONTOURS wide areas near 30 meters each side in low depths as 10 meters with GT52HW

Also see that have low variations with deepth

Now im working with GT51M and seem narrower areas, about 20 meters or 15 meters each side, in recordings, but SideVu see super wide areas near 10 deepths (150 meters each side for 15 meters of water )

i dont know exactly wtah trasnducer uses Quickdraw Contour, frequency type of signal ... i see that GT34UHD can give Quickdraw contours, teorically more precise but no info about wide coverage

lake deepth compensation

i have many problems to link properly quickdraw contour in different deepth variation in my LAKE, its a reservoir and water level decreases

simplest tecnik are search water levels and addition or sustract the level variation, generally works bad ans seems as beake the contour lines

other simples tecnik are go to contoured area and stor the boat, read sonar deepth and read contours in chart and below boat

usually need test some corrections 10 or 20 cm more or loss to see that do not broken the previus contour lines

any experience.


sorry for explain