Not being a smart ass as I run a mercury xs on my boat and love it but my pontoon boat['s 2005 90hp johnson just became an anchor (missed the warrranty by 2 months funny huh) and I have seen lots of great marketing for the etecs and have been considering giving it a shot but the only guy I know who runs one (also is sponsored) is now on his 3rd one and his boat has about 50 hrs on it....he wont bad mouth them but I can see frustration in his eyes and after after keeping my ears open I have heard of two more in my area that left the dock on a tourney day but didn't exactly run back.......I have also heard of lower unit issues which I will be the first to admit I am on my 2nd one ( hour 193) but other than that I have 303 hours of great service..........besides my pontoon boat my father will hopefully be ordering a ranger within a year or so and is leaning towards an etec also.....I know every engine has it horror stories, I just am curious if there are a lot