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Weather conditions
Water temp
Topograhic details (points, drop-offs, humps, etc)
Type of cover
Water conditions
3/8/2010 - 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Cloudy/ Overcast
Air Temps - Low 40's
Depth - Fished warm water cove, less than 12 ft. of water
Water Temp - 58 degrees
Cover - boat docks and laydowns
Water conditions - stained
Not a single bass bite. Caught a few crappie and one small white on a beetle spin. Busy day; lots of boats. Not much happening with the bass though. Picked up and went to Sangchris around noon.
We fished the Guard Tournament 6/27, water temp was 83-85, winds south west at 10-20, big storm moved through mid morning and was overcast most of the day. There was a pretty good topwater bite early before the storms began. We caught over 100 fish throughout the day. Many were solid fish in the 14"-14 1/2" range. Not keepers but fun to catch none the less. We were able to bring 4 to the scales and broke off a couple of good ones. 90% of our fish were caught on jigs after the storm in 5-10 ft of water off the rock banks. Fishing is picking up for sure... good luck
Open Tx for Shrine Hospital for Children
Rain Saturday night until 10 am Sunday then got Hot
Tx 7am to 2:30 Sunday
15 Teams 49 fish caught 110.45 Lbs. Big Bass 4.81
Air Temp. 75 - 90
Water 73 - 85 Stained to Muddy in places
Shallow in grass on white spinner and plastic beaver pumpkin
Sponsored by; Champaign County Bass Masters and Illini Shrine Club of Champaign