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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Alexandria, Minnesota

    question on remotes CM1 i think

    Ok ive got 2 older power poles that have worked flawlessly for years, well i didnt use the boat for 2 years took the battery out to prevent any corrosion issue. Well getting the boat ready for this year i hooked everything up, the stomp switches up front work but no remote. I noticed when putting new battery in remote that the magnet inside the remote had let loose and wasn't glued where it was previously. Tried mating it thinking it lost its pairing because of two years out of service, so i tried paring it and it wont. So the pump lights up when trying to pair but it doesn't pair . So I'm thinking i need a new remote but want to make sure that what it is before i spend $ for it. Think im on the right track?

  2. BBC SPONSOR/ Shallow Water Anchors Moderator
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    New York
    yes sir id say your thinking is spot on

  3. Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    It seems like you've run into a bit of a snag with your power poles after not using your boat for a couple of years. It's frustrating when things that used to work perfectly suddenly don't! Since you've already tried re-pairing the remote and noticed the loose magnet inside, it's possible that the remote itself is the culprit. Before shelling out for a new one, it might be worth checking for any loose connections or corrosion that could be causing the issue.