So with it so nice Friday afternoon and the forecast of terrible winds Saturday I took off work at noon. Got on the water and started grafting. Saw some good fish on side imaging, turned around and dropped the trolling motor and found them right away with ffs… Got in position and started casting & casting I put everything in front of them Lol but they just wouldn’t bite!! I’m thinking cat fish?? It was 1pm ish so if they were bass they wouldn’t eat… moved on to some different spots, nothing…. Last few times at this lake I have always caught fish in this one spot but there always 14”-15” and I wanted to find other spots. With no luck so far I went to that spot and got 15 on a jerkbait only 2 were over 15” but nothing over 16”…. Still fun just wanted to find other fish.

Today I didn’t know if I wanted to fish or not. But got up and a cup of coffee down I went outside and didn’t think it was terrible bad. Looking at the weather app I saw a few hour window (plus my girls were going to be gone might as well go) so picked out a smaller lake and got started 7am. Not many numbers but 3 good fish! Got the heck off the water and home at 12:30. Man that wind is crazy right now!!

One good thing is I got the leaf blower out and got the leaves cleaned out around my house! No raking today Lol!!
